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shengqh edited this page Aug 20, 2014 · 1 revision
Category Module Software Description
Preprocessing Format::Demultiplex cqstools fastq_demultiplex Demultiplexing the fastq file based on barcodes
CQS::FastqTrimmer cqstools fastq_trimmer Trimming 'N' from both 5' and 3' terminal of reads
Trimmer::Cutadapt cutadapt Removing adapter sequences from reads
Mapping Alignment::BWA bwa Bwa genome mapping algorithm
Alignment::Bowtie1 bowtie1 Bowtie1 genome mapping algorithm
Alignment::Bowtie2 bowtie2 Bowtie2 genome mapping algorithm
Alignment::Tophat2 tophat2 Tophat2 RNAseq data assembler
Refinement GATK::Refine gatk Realignment, base calibration and removing duplication
QC QC::FastQC fastqc Quality control of fastq file
QC::RNASeQC RNASeQC Quality control of bam file
Count Count::HTSeqCount HTSeq-count Counting gene reads
Count::DexseqCount DEXSeq Count exon reads
Summarize CQS::CQSDatatable cqstools data_table Build count table from multiple counting result
Comparison Comparison::DESeq2 DESeq2 Differential expression comparison of count data
Cufflinks::Cufflinks cufflinks Transcript assembly, differential expression, and differential regulation for RNA-Seq
Cufflinks::Cuffmerge cuffmerge
Cufflinks::Cuffdiff cuffdiff
Variants GATK::MuTect mutect Somatic mutation caller
GATK::SNPIndel gatk SNP, indel caller
VarScan2::Mpileup2snp Varscan2 SNP caller
VarScan2::Somatic Varscan2 Somatic mutation caller
Annotation Annotation::Annovar annovar Annotating SNP, indel and somatic mutation
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