You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 7
First of all, we need to import libraries
use strict;
use warnings;
use CQS::ClassFactory;
use CQS::FileUtils;
use CQS::SystemUtils;
use CQS::ConfigUtils;
use Pipeline::RNASeq;
Then we start with our project definition
my $def = {
#define task name, this name will be used as prefix of a few result, such as read count table file name.
task_name => "B3436",
#email which will be used for notification if you run through cluster
email => "quanhu.sheng\@vanderbilt.edu",
#target dir which will be automatically created and used to save code and result
target_dir => "/scratch/cqs/shengq2/test/pipeline_rnaseq_simple",
#cqs in house software which will be used to generate count table. https://github.com/shengqh/CQS.Tools/
cqstools => "/home/shengq2/cqstools/cqstools.exe",
Genome sequence and annotation file
#gene annotation file
transcript_gtf => "/scratch/cqs/shengq2/references/gatk/b37/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.82.MT.gtf",
#gene name to transcription name map file which is generated by "mono cqstools.exe gtf_buildmap".
name_map_file => "/scratch/cqs/shengq2/references/gatk/b37/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.82.MT.map",
#genome sequence file
fasta_file => "/scratch/cqs/shengq2/references/gatk/b37/human_g1k_v37.fasta",
Alignment software and index
#using STAR.
aligner => "star",
star_index => "/scratch/cqs/shengq2/references/gatk/b37/STAR_index_2.5.2b_ensembl_v82_sjdb99",
if you want to use hisat2, then you have to set hisat2_index which will be similar to:
#using hisat2.
aligner => "hisat2",
hisat2_index => "/scratch/cqs/shengq2/references/hisat2_index/grch37_snp_tran/genome_snp_tran",
Quality control at BAM level:
#perform RNASeQC or not
perform_rnaseqc => 0,
rnaseqc_jar => "/home/shengq2/local/bin/RNA-SeQC_v1.1.8.jar",
Perform variant calling based on GATK best practice. If you set it to 1, then you will need to fill in the following required entries
perform_call_variants => 0,
dbsnp => "/scratch/cqs/shengq2/references/gatk/b37/dbsnp_150.b37.vcf",
gatk_jar => "/scratch/cqs/shengq2/local/bin/gatk/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar",
picard_jar => "/scratch/cqs/shengq2/local/bin/picard/picard.jar",
annovar_db => "/scratch/cqs/shengq2/references/annovar/humandb",
annovar_buildver => "hg19",
annovar_param => "-protocol refGene,snp138,cosmic70 -operation g,f,f --remove",
Now we need to define the experimental. First of all, the read files. The hash map can be generated by command "mono cqstools.exe file_def"
#source files
files => {
"JDB-01" => [ "/scratch/cqs/shengq2/rnaseq/20160509_brown_3436/data/3436-JDB-1_1_sequence.txt.gz", "/scratch/cqs/shengq2/rnaseq/20160509_brown_3436/data/3436-JDB-1_2_sequence.txt.gz" ],
"JDB-02" => [ "/scratch/cqs/shengq2/rnaseq/20160509_brown_3436/data/3436-JDB-2_1_sequence.txt.gz", "/scratch/cqs/shengq2/rnaseq/20160509_brown_3436/data/3436-JDB-2_2_sequence.txt.gz" ],
"JDB-03" => [ "/scratch/cqs/shengq2/rnaseq/20160509_brown_3436/data/3436-JDB-3_1_sequence.txt.gz", "/scratch/cqs/shengq2/rnaseq/20160509_brown_3436/data/3436-JDB-3_2_sequence.txt.gz" ],
"JDB-04" => [ "/scratch/cqs/shengq2/rnaseq/20160509_brown_3436/data/3436-JDB-4_1_sequence.txt.gz", "/scratch/cqs/shengq2/rnaseq/20160509_brown_3436/data/3436-JDB-4_2_sequence.txt.gz" ],
"JDB-05" => [ "/scratch/cqs/shengq2/rnaseq/20160509_brown_3436/data/3436-JDB-5_1_sequence.txt.gz", "/scratch/cqs/shengq2/rnaseq/20160509_brown_3436/data/3436-JDB-5_2_sequence.txt.gz" ],
"JDB-06" => [ "/scratch/cqs/shengq2/rnaseq/20160509_brown_3436/data/3436-JDB-6_1_sequence.txt.gz", "/scratch/cqs/shengq2/rnaseq/20160509_brown_3436/data/3436-JDB-6_2_sequence.txt.gz" ],
The samples can be grouped together for correlation analysis or differential comparison. One sample can belonged to multiple groups for combination of comparison.
#group information for visualization and comparison
groups => {
"FED" => [ "JDB-01", "JDB-02", "JDB-03" ],
"DMSO" => [ "JDB-04", "JDB-05", "JDB-06" ],
Comparison information, in each comparison, the first one is control. For example, in comparison "DMSO_vs_FED", "FED" is control.
pairs => {
"DMSO_vs_FED" => [ "FED", "DMSO" ],
Perform enrichment analysis using WebGestalt, organism should be one of: "athaliana" "btaurus" "celegans" "cfamiliaris" "drerio" "sscrofa" "dmelanogaster" "ggallus" "hsapiens" "mmusculus" "rnorvegicus" "scerevisiae"
perform_webgestalt => 1,
webgestalt_organism => "hsapiens",
finally, perform multiqc:
perform_multiqc => 1,
Now close the definition
Finally, call perfromRNASeq to generate all scripts.
You should find the scripts generated inside of your target folder. The whole scripts can be downloaded from simple