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add testing for some plotting functions
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katosh committed Oct 12, 2023
1 parent b7ed893 commit b514d79
Showing 1 changed file with 244 additions and 0 deletions.
244 changes: 244 additions & 0 deletions tests/
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@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
import pytest
from unittest.mock import patch
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import scanpy as sc
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from palantir.plot import (
from palantir.presults import PResults

# Fixtures for the UMAP DataFrame
def mock_umap_df():
return pd.DataFrame({'x': np.random.rand(100), 'y': np.random.rand(100)}, index=[f'cell_{i}' for i in range(100)])

# Fixtures for AnnData object
def mock_anndata(mock_umap_df):
adata = sc.AnnData(X=np.random.randn(100, 5))
adata.obs_names = mock_umap_df.index
adata.obs['palantir_pseudotime'] = np.random.rand(100)
adata.obs['palantir_entropy'] = np.random.rand(100)
adata.obsm['X_umap'] = mock_umap_df.values
adata.obsm['DM_EigenVectors'] = np.random.randn(100, 3)
adata.obsm['palantir_fate_probabilities'] = pd.DataFrame(
np.random.randn(100, 3),
columns=["a", "b", "c"],
return adata

def mock_tsne():
return pd.DataFrame({'x': np.random.rand(100), 'y': np.random.rand(100)})

def mock_data():
return pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(100, 20))

def mock_clusters():
return pd.Series(['Cluster_1']*50 + ['Cluster_2']*50)

def mock_cluster_colors():
return pd.Series({'Cluster_1': '#FF0000', 'Cluster_2': '#00FF00'})

def mock_gene_data():
return pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(100, 5), columns=[f'gene_{i}' for i in range(5)])

def mock_dm_res():
return pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(100, 3))

def mock_presults():
return PResults(
branch_probs=pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(100, 3)),

def test_plot_molecules_per_cell_and_gene():
# Create synthetic data
data = np.random.rand(100, 20)

# Generate plot
fig, ax = plot_molecules_per_cell_and_gene(data)

# Validate plot properties
assert isinstance(fig, plt.Figure), "Output should include a matplotlib Figure"

# Validate subplots
assert len(fig.get_axes()) == 3, "Should have 3 subplots"

# Validate each subplot
for i, ax in enumerate(fig.get_axes()):
if i == 0:
assert ax.get_xlabel() == "Molecules per cell (log10 scale)"
elif i == 1:
assert ax.get_xlabel() == "Nonzero cells per gene (log10 scale)"
assert ax.get_xlabel() == "Molecules per gene (log10 scale)"

assert ax.get_ylabel() == "Frequency"

def test_cell_types_default_colors(mock_tsne, mock_clusters):
fig, axs = cell_types(mock_tsne, mock_clusters)
assert len(axs) == 2, "Number of axes should match number of clusters"

# Test with custom cluster_colors
def test_cell_types_custom_colors(mock_tsne, mock_clusters, mock_cluster_colors):
fig, axs = cell_types(mock_tsne, mock_clusters, cluster_colors=mock_cluster_colors)
assert len(axs) == 2, "Number of axes should match number of clusters"

# Check if colors match
colors = pd.Series(sc.get_edgecolor() for ax in axs.values() for sc in ax.collections)
colors = set(colors.apply(matplotlib.colors.to_rgba))
expected_colors = set(mock_cluster_colors.apply(matplotlib.colors.to_rgba))
assert set(colors) == expected_colors, "Cluster colors should match"

# Test n_cols parameter
def test_cell_types_n_cols(mock_tsne, mock_clusters):
fig, axs = cell_types(mock_tsne, mock_clusters, n_cols=1)
assert len(axs) == 2, "Number of axes should match number of clusters"
ncols = len(set(ax.get_subplotspec().colspan for ax in fig.axes))
assert ncols == 1, "Number of columns should be 1"

# Test highlight_cells_on_umap
def test_highlight_cells_on_umap(mock_umap_df, mock_anndata):
# Define cells to highlight
highlight_cells_dict = {'cell_1': 'A', 'cell_3': 'B'}

# Test with DataFrame
fig, ax = highlight_cells_on_umap(mock_umap_df, highlight_cells_dict)
assert isinstance(fig, plt.Figure), "Output should include a matplotlib Figure"
assert ax.collections, "Should have scatter plots"

# Test with AnnData
fig, ax = highlight_cells_on_umap(mock_anndata, highlight_cells_dict)
assert isinstance(fig, plt.Figure), "Output should include a matplotlib Figure"
assert ax.collections, "Should have scatter plots"

# Test annotation_offset
fig, ax = highlight_cells_on_umap(mock_umap_df, highlight_cells_dict, annotation_offset=0.05)
assert isinstance(fig, plt.Figure), "Output should include a matplotlib Figure"

# Test size of highlighted points
fig, ax = highlight_cells_on_umap(mock_umap_df, highlight_cells_dict, s_highlighted=20)
assert np.any([p.get_sizes()[0] == 20 for p in ax.collections]), "Highlighted scatter point size should be 20"

# Test errors
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
highlight_cells_on_umap(mock_anndata, highlight_cells_dict, embedding_basis='X_invalid')

with pytest.raises(TypeError):
highlight_cells_on_umap(mock_anndata, 3) # Invalid 'cells' argument

# Test plot_tsne_by_cell_sizes
def test_plot_tsne_by_cell_sizes(mock_data, mock_tsne):
fig, ax = plot_tsne_by_cell_sizes(mock_data, mock_tsne)

# Validate plot and axis
assert isinstance(fig, plt.Figure), "Output should include a matplotlib Figure"
assert ax.collections, "Should have scatter plots"
assert ax.collections[0].get_array().data.shape[0] == 100, "Scatter plot color should be based on 100 data points"

# Test colorbar
cbar = fig.colorbar(ax.collections[0], ax=ax)
assert cbar is not None, "Colorbar should exist"

# Test vmin, vmax
fig, ax = plot_tsne_by_cell_sizes(mock_data, mock_tsne, vmin=0.2, vmax=0.8)
cbar_mappable = ax.collections[0]
assert cbar_mappable.get_clim() == (0.2, 0.8), "Color limits should be set to vmin and vmax"

def test_plot_gene_expression(mock_gene_data, mock_tsne):
genes = ['gene_0', 'gene_1']
fig, axs = plot_gene_expression(mock_gene_data, mock_tsne, genes)
assert isinstance(fig, plt.Figure)

def test_plot_gene_expression_missing_genes(mock_gene_data, mock_tsne):
genes = ['gene_0', 'nonexistent_gene']
fig, axs = plot_gene_expression(mock_gene_data, mock_tsne, genes)
assert isinstance(fig, plt.Figure) # Expect a warning but still a plot

def test_plot_gene_expression_no_genes(mock_gene_data, mock_tsne):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
plot_gene_expression(mock_gene_data, mock_tsne, ['nonexistent_gene'])

def test_plot_diffusion_components_with_anndata(mock_anndata, mock_dm_res):
fig, axs = plot_diffusion_components(mock_anndata)
assert isinstance(fig, plt.Figure)
for ax in axs.values():
assert isinstance(ax, plt.Axes)

def test_plot_diffusion_components_with_dataframe(mock_tsne, mock_dm_res):
dm_res_dict = {"EigenVectors": mock_dm_res}
fig, axs = plot_diffusion_components(mock_tsne, dm_res=dm_res_dict)
assert isinstance(fig, plt.Figure)
for ax in axs.values():
assert isinstance(ax, plt.Axes)

def test_plot_diffusion_components_key_error_embedding(mock_anndata):
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
plot_diffusion_components(mock_anndata, embedding_basis='NonexistentKey')

def test_plot_diffusion_components_key_error_dm_res(mock_anndata):
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
plot_diffusion_components(mock_anndata, dm_res='NonexistentKey')

def test_plot_diffusion_components_default_args(mock_anndata):
fig, axs = plot_diffusion_components(mock_anndata)
for ax in axs.values():
assert ax.collections[0].get_array().data.shape[0] == 100 # Checking data points

def test_plot_diffusion_components_custom_args(mock_anndata):
fig, axs = plot_diffusion_components(mock_anndata, s=10, edgecolors='r')
for ax in axs.values():
assert ax.collections[0].get_edgecolors().all() == np.array([1, 0, 0, 1]).all()
assert ax.collections[0].get_sizes()[0] == 10

# Test with AnnData and all keys available
def test_plot_palantir_results_anndata(mock_anndata):
fig = plot_palantir_results(mock_anndata)
assert isinstance(fig, plt.Figure)

# Test with DataFrame and PResults
def test_plot_palantir_results_dataframe(mock_tsne, mock_presults):
fig = plot_palantir_results(mock_tsne, pr_res=mock_presults)
assert isinstance(fig, plt.Figure)

# Test KeyError for missing embedding_basis
def test_plot_palantir_results_key_error_embedding(mock_anndata):
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
plot_palantir_results(mock_anndata, embedding_basis='NonexistentKey')

# Test KeyError for missing Palantir results in AnnData
def test_plot_palantir_results_key_error_palantir(mock_anndata):
mock_anndata.obs = pd.DataFrame(index=mock_anndata.obs_names) # Clearing obs
with pytest.raises(KeyError):

# Test plotting with custom arguments
def test_plot_palantir_results_custom_args(mock_anndata):
fig = plot_palantir_results(mock_anndata, s=10, edgecolors='r')
ax = fig.axes[0] # Assuming first subplot holds the first scatter plot
assert np.all(ax.collections[0].get_edgecolors() == [1, 0, 0, 1])
assert ax.collections[0].get_sizes()[0] == 10

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