This is a chess AI program written in Python. I worked on this project from Jan. 2018 to Apr. 2018 to complement my CSC190: Data Structures and Algorithms course studies. Concepts such as tree, pruning, minimax are explored.
To play my chess AI in Player v. Computer mode:
- Download all files to the same folder.
- Run (only supports python 2).
- Choose a side (see instructions displayed).
- Select a piece to move by entering its location on the board ("0" for A1, "1" for B2, ... "8" for A2 ..., "63" for H8).
- Enter its desitnation square (same rule as Step 4).
- Wait for the Computer to make a move!
To simplify the game a little, some rules are different from actual chess.
- No castling.
- Pawns in starting positions are not allowed to double-step (e.g. can only do e3, not e4 as starting move).
- No promotion (i.e. pawns marched to the other end of the board are still pawns).
- No "en passant" (a special pawn capture resulting from a double-step pawn move).
- Entering invalid pieces or squares can freeze the program!
- Player cannot arrange a starting board position.
- Slow computation time (esp. in open positions).