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Frank Weinberg edited this page Oct 5, 2024 · 2 revisions

CRG specific HTML attributes

Channel Syntax

Throughout this section we will use the following words for parts of a channel name:

  • The whole channel name is split into multiple components by ..
  • Each component is of the form field(id). If the id is empty, the parentheses are also skipped.
    • Sometimes an id also has multiple components separated by..
  • The field of a channel name is the last field in it.

Each element has a channel context. This will be inherited from the parent element and can be modified with the sbContext attribute.

Whereever a channel name is expected, it will be processed as follows:

  • [*] is replaced by the current channel context.
  • Any substring of the form [name] will look for the closest HTML attribute name walking up the DOM tree and use its value.
    • If no such attribute is found, it will use the value of the URL parameter name if it exists.
    • If this also doesn't exist, no replacement is done.
  • If the channel name starts with a character assigned as a prefix by sbPrefix in the element or one of its ancestors, the character is replaced by that prefix and processing ends.
    • If there is also a suffix defined along with the prefix, that suffix is appended to the channel name.
  • If the channel name starts with / the / is discarded and processing ends.
  • For each ^ at the start of the channel name one component from the end of the current channel context is discarded along with the ^.
    • The remaining channel context, if not empty, is prefixed to the channel name, separated by a ..

When multiple channels are given, they are all processed separately.

Other Syntax and Behaviour

  • When an attribute supports multiple instances, these instances are always separated by |. When an instance takes multiple arguments, they are always separated by :. If an argument accepts multiple values, they are always separated by ,.
    • This means that you cannot use |, :, or , in any argument values.
    • Any whitespace around |, :, or , is trimmed on parsing, so you can use it freely to format your HTML for readability.
    • If an attribute takes options of the form key=value, whitespace around = is also trimmed.
    • If multiple instances are defined for attributes that don't support them, the first instance will be used, all others will be discarded.
  • It is possible to leave arguments empty while still setting later arguments by having two (or more) colons follow each other. These will get the default values as specified.
  • Unless otherwise specified, functions will be called with up to four arguments, in order:
    • k - The enriched name of the channel from which the current value is coming or to which it will be going. If no such channel exists, the channel context of the element on which the function was triggered.
    • v - For functions that convert from channels the value of the first given channel with a nonempty value. If none has a value the last channel will be used. For other attributes on input or select elements the value of the element. Otherwise true.
    • elem - A jQuery set containing (only) the element on which the function was triggered.
    • event - The JS event that triggered the function call (if any).
  • If an attribute is given multiple channels, an update will be triggered whenever any of the channels change, but the changed channels/values may not be passed to the conversion function, if a channel listed earlier has a value.
  • If a non-boolean function of the above type is expected and no function with the given name is found, the value will be prefixed with return and that will be used as function.
    • If the function is left empty, the function return v will be used.
  • If a boolean function of the abvoe type is expected and no function with the given name is found, the value will be prefixed with return v and that will be used as function.
    • If the function is left empty, a function returning true if and only if v is either the boolean true or the string true is returned.
    • ! is replaced by the negation of the above function.


Sets HTML attributes of an element based on a channel value.

pos what semantics remarks
1 attribute the HTML attribute to set
2 channels the channel(s) to be listened to
3 function a function that converts the value from the channel


Sets channels for which AutoFit on the element will be triggered when their value changes.

This attribute does not support multiple instances. (But it does support multiple channels on the single instance.)

pos what semantics remarks
1 channels the channel(s) to be listened to


  • This only has an effect on elements with class sbAutoFit.
  • Channels listened to by sbDisplay will also trigger AutoFit, so there is no need to add sbAutoFitOn for those. Instead this attribute is intended for situations where a channel's value can affect the element's size but not its content.


Calls a JS function when an element is clicked/changed.

pos what semantics remarks
1 function the function to be called


Toggles a CSS class based on a channel value.

pos what semantics remarks
1 channels the channel(s) to be listened to only the first channel given will be set
2 class the CSS class to toggle
3 function a function that evaluates the value from the channel


Modifies the channel context of the current element.

This attribute does not support multiple instances.

pos what semantics remarks
1 channel channel name to be used as prefix on all attributes
2 channel channel name to be used as prefix on all attributes except sbForeach

On an HTML element with sbForeach, sbForeach is always processed first, taking only the first argument into account. On the elements inserted by sbForeach, sbContext will then be set to the first argument of the original sbContext, followed by the component created by sbForeach and then the second argument of the original sbContext, all separated by ..

If both arguments are given on an element without sbForeach, they will simply be joined by a ..


Synchronizes element and channel values.

pos what semantics remarks
1 channels the channel(s) to be listened to and set only the first channel given will be set
2 function a function that converts the value from the channel for display
3 function a function that converts the value from the element for the channel


Sets CSS properties of an element based on a channel value.

pos what semantics remarks
1 property the CSS property to set
2 channels the channel(s) to be listened to
3 function a function that converts the value from the channel


Sets the contents of an element based on a channel value.


pos what semantics remarks
1 channels the channel(s) to be listened to
2 function a function that converts the value from the channel for display
3 options The keyword html if the result of the conversion is HTML code instead of text. Inserted HTML code will be parsed for CRG attributes.


Repeats an HTML element (and its contents) for multiple ids on the same field.

  • In each copy field(id) will be appended to the channel context unless the noContext option is specified.
    • See sbContext for how the two attributes interact.
  • In each copy there will be an attribute named as the field with the id as value.
  • This attribute does not support multiple instances.


pos what semantics remarks
1 field the field for which the element should be repeated on each/multiple ids
2 fixed keys list of ids that should appear first (in the order given)
AND/OR ids prefixed by - that should be skipped
3 sort function comparator function that takes two HTML elements and returns true iff the second argument is to be displayed first
OR name of an attribute that should be compared to determine sort order append ,num to sort numerically
OR the keyword only to indicate that only fixed keys should be displayed
4 options onInsert= followed by a js function that is to be called on an inserted element
AND/OR onRemove= followed by a js function that is called on an element before it is removed same parameters as onInsert
AND/OR resort= followed by a channel. The element will be resorted when the value of that channel changes onInsert will be called again when a resort is triggered on an element
AND/OR part= followed by a number. Only that many components of the id will be considered, starting at the front
AND/OR filter= follwed by a string. Only ids starting with the string are considered. filter=^ will use the string [<field>] would yield in a path
AND/OR the keyword noId indicating that field(id).Id is not a valid channel
AND/OR the keyword noContext


Adds event triggers.


pos what semantics remarks
1 event the event to listen for can be any event accepted by the jQuery on() function
2 function the function to be called


Defines prefixes to be used on channel names.


pos what semantics remarks
1 selector character that is to be replaced
2 prefix prefix the character is to be replaced with
3 suffix suffix that is to be apended to the channel when the prefix is inserted

In order to avoid surprising behaviour, characters that have a special meaning in CRG HTML attributes or at the start of channel names (|, :,,,/,^, ") must not be used as selector. Due to components in CRG channel names starting with capital letters, those should also be avoided in order to avoid surprises.

If there are multiple definitions for the same prefix in the current element and its ancestors, the definition closest to the current element will be used.


Sets HTML properties of an element based on a channel value.

pos what semantics remarks
1 property the HTML property to set
2 channels the channel(s) to be listened to
3 function a function that converts the value from the channel


Sets the value of a channel.


pos what semantics remarks
1 channel the channel to be changed
2 function a function that converts the element value for the channel.
3 flag change on numeric channels to indicate the value is an offset instead of absolute
OR reset on ...Clock(*).Time to reset the time to the start either maximum or minimum time depending on clock direction


Sets a CSS class based on a channel and toggles it on click.

pos what semantics remarks
1 channels the channel(s) to be listened to and set only the first channel given will be set
2 class the class to be toggled default: sbActive

CRG specific CSS classes

In order to achieve a consistent look & feel, CRG uses a set of CSS classes across screens that are then given a consistent styling. The actual layout of many of these classes can be modified by themes.


Maximize the font size of the element while making sure the contents still fit. Note: This works best with elements that are a fixed percentage of screen width/height.


The gray boxes with rounded corners in the default theme.


On an sbSegment: Make the segment fill the enclosing container


Group of sbSegments to be arranged side by side.


Group of elements within an sbSegment. Contents are arranged as a left-to-right flexbox by default. In the default theme, multiple consecutive groups are separated by a dashed white line.


Displays the contents of the element as a top-to-bottom flexbox.


sbGroup or table row that serves as header. Has a reddish color in the default theme.


sbGroup or table row that serves as a subheader. Has a brownish color in the default theme.


Element that contains paperwork to be displayed as in the WFTDA statsbook.


Within a sheet of paperwork indicates that the cell has an annotation by displaying a red box in the corner.


Indicates that the element is active. Green background in the default theme.


Indicates an element that the user likely wants to use in the current state. Orange background in the default theme.


Indicates a skater that has an unserved penalty. Light blue background in the default theme.


Indicates a skater curently in the box. Red background in the defaultt theme.


Indicates an element or group of elements that is less important. Lighter background and smaller font in the default theme.


Indicates an important elment. Larger font size in the default theme.


Indicates a very important elment. Even larger font size than sbImportant in the default theme.


Indicates a very very important element. Even larger font size than sbVeryImportant in the default theme.


Displays a spinning circle, indicating an opration is in progress.


Turns the curser over an element into a pointer.


Makes an element invisible (but still taking up space).


Completely removes an element.


Indicates that the element contains dialog templates.


Indicates that the element can be assigned a hotkey.


Indicates that the element should only be shown on some types of sheets. The type of sheet is determined by the closest sbSheetStyle attribute found in the element's ancestors. Which sheet types the elment is shown on is defined by additional sbShowOn* classes as follows:

sbSheetStyle classes shown
pbt sbShowOnPbt
boxview sbShowOnBoxView
sk sbShowOnSk
pt sbShowOnPt, sbShowOnPurePt
lt sbShowOnLt, sbShowOnPureLt
plt sbShowOnPlt, sbShowOnPt, sbShowOnLt
sheet sbShowOnSheet, sbShowOnPt
operator sbShowOnSk, sbShowOnOperator
whiteboard sbShowOnWhiteboard, sbShowOnPt
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