Version - 2019-04-20
- Added simple base screen.
- Allows the player to start a new mission.
- Allows the player to quit to the main menu.
- Allows the player to recruit new stalkers.
- Allows the player to edit each stalkers inventory and to store items in the base.
- Allows the player to sell and buy items inside of a shop menu.
- Starting a new game will direct the player directly to the base screen.
- Shows overview over the player's faction.
- Missions can be aborted and the game will return back to the base screen.
- Added button to the option menu which allows opening the save / modding directory.
- Added keybinding that centers the camera on the currently selected character.
- Added better save game validation.
- Added sorting mechanics for paginated lists.
- Added keybindings for the "split item stack" and "drag full item stack" actions so they can be changed.
- Fixed inventory volume being set incorrectly after loading a savegame.
- Fixed health points being set incorrectly after loading a savegame.
- Fixed items of paginated list not being moved correctly when the paginated list was moved.
- Fixed positioning of UI child elements.
- Fixed splitting of item stacks.
Other Changes
- Changed view range based on character classes.
- Changed values for shooting and throwing skills based on character classes.
- Changed prefab editor to be more performant.
- Changed translator to load translations from a single .lua file.
- Changed translator to load external translations.
- Changed savegame screen
- Saves are now displayed as a paginated list for easy navigation
- Saves can now be deleted by clicking on the "X" button
- Improved information about saves
- Changed all items to be stackable.
- Item stacks are now merged automatically.
- Changed detection for mouse dragging events which makes it easier to distinguish dragging events from normal mouse clicking.