Cypher queries are used to generate stats files. This file is used for the R script to generate image files for two Reaction web pages: Statistics and Computationally Inferred Events
run.R is used to generate the plot for the release stats. To use this script, install R first. It is supposed to work with the latest version of R. But using R 4.2 is recommended to avoid any incompatibility headache with used libraries.
To run this script, the tree file, species_tree.nwk, is needed. This tree file was generated using TimeTree and displayed on the linear timescale for distances between species.
To run this script, provide the following parameter in a script as follows:
Rscipt run.R --help
run.R [options] <release_date>
run.R (-h | --help)
run.R --version
-h --help Show this screen.
--version Show version.
--host=<host> Neo4j host [default: localhost]
--port=<port> Neo4j port [default: 7687]
--user=<user> Neo4j username [default: neo4j]
--password=<password> The password for neo4j database
--no-html Set of you don't want to generate the interactive html file [default: FALSE]
--output=DIR Folder to put output files into [default: output]
--tree=FILE The species tree file [default: species_tree.nwk]
- release_stats.png
- reaction_release_stats.png
- ordered_release_stats.tsv (re-ordered release_stats file. The order is based on the tree)
- ordered_release_stats.html
- release_stats.html (if need_html is set as TRUE)
- release_stats_files (if need_html is set as TRUE. A folder contains required JavaScript libraries)
- summary_stats.json
Reaction release stats are placed here:
release_date should be something like "June 2023" (Quotation marks are needed!)
Note: To make the interactive html version work, pandoc is needed. Pandoc can be installed by following this doc:
To create the image:
make build-image
To run the image:
docker run -v $(pwd)/output:/output --net=host reactome/statistics-generator:1.0.0 /bin/bash -c 'Rscript run.R "June 2023"'
setting "net" equal to "host" will make it so that the statistics-generator has access to the noe4j running on the host.
This repo is being continuously integrated using Jenkins using the Jenkinsfile-ci and the statistics-generator image is stored in ECR.