Follow install example For Windows and WSL, i recommand this post.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Set your driver depending on sur OS
# MacOs or Linux
# minikube config set driver virtualbox
# MacOS ( if virtualbox is not working )
# minikube config set driver hyperkit
# Windows and WSL
# (you will use Powershell instead of bash for setuping minikube)
# minikube config set driver hyperv
# Set Hardware Resource of the VM of minikube
minikube config set cpus 4
minikube config set memory 8112
# Start Minikube
minikube start
# Setup Addons in minikube
minikube addons enable ingress
minikube addons enable ingress-dns
minikube addons enable metallb
minikube addons enable metrics-server
Usefull command:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# See the status of minikube
minikube status
# Put minikube in pause to save resources
minikube pause
# Remove pause mode
minikube unpause
# Stop totally the cluster
minikube stop
# ReStart the cluster ( need to verify if addons is also ok)
minikube start
This addons add the capabilities to forward dns query to minikube for specific root domain. In my case, i use *.minikube to force dns and route to minikube. ( All url for service in minikube need to end with .minikube )
Example of /etc/resolver/minikube file:
domain minikube
search_order 1
timeout 5
Replace the IP by the result of
minikube ip
SSL in development is not anymore painless and contribute to have production like local env. For that we will use two tools:
- mkcert: Create local Certificate Authority that you will trust locally
- cert-manager: Automaticly Generate Certificate for Kubernetes Resources
Follow Documentation for Installation
For Windows and WSL, i recommand to install on linux, retrieve the CA and CA-Key. And Trust it after on windows side. The "mkcert install" will only auto-trust for the linux side.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
#All Scripts are configure to be use in the directory
cd ./cert-manager
sleep 5
cd ..
minikube need to have credentials to access to Github Container Registry
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Replace value:
# USERNAME: Github Username
# PASSWORD: Github Personnal Access Token
# EMAIL: Github Email
kubectl -n websocket-example \
create secret docker-registry \
github-ghcr \ \
--docker-username=USERNAME \
Deploy a test service with Simple Hello World Access to it
#!/usr/bin/env bash
cd ./test-service