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1. Setup

Follow install example For Windows and WSL, i recommand this post.

1.1. Minikube Addons and StartUp

#!/usr/bin/env bash
#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Set your driver depending on sur OS

# MacOs or Linux
# minikube config set driver virtualbox 

# MacOS ( if virtualbox is not working )
# minikube config set driver hyperkit

# Windows and WSL 
# (you will use Powershell instead of bash for setuping minikube)
# minikube config set driver hyperv

# Set Hardware Resource of the VM of minikube
minikube config set cpus 4
minikube config set memory 8112

# Start Minikube
minikube start

# Setup Addons in minikube
minikube addons enable ingress
minikube addons enable ingress-dns
minikube addons enable metallb
minikube addons enable metrics-server

Usefull command:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# See the status of minikube
minikube status

# Put minikube in pause to save resources
minikube pause
# Remove pause mode
minikube unpause

# Stop totally the cluster
minikube stop
# ReStart the cluster ( need to verify if addons is also ok)
minikube start

1.2. Minikube Addons Ingress-DNS

This addons add the capabilities to forward dns query to minikube for specific root domain. In my case, i use *.minikube to force dns and route to minikube. ( All url for service in minikube need to end with .minikube )

See documentation

Example of /etc/resolver/minikube file:

domain minikube
search_order 1
timeout 5

Replace the IP by the result of

minikube ip

2. Cert-Manager

SSL in development is not anymore painless and contribute to have production like local env. For that we will use two tools:

  • mkcert: Create local Certificate Authority that you will trust locally
  • cert-manager: Automaticly Generate Certificate for Kubernetes Resources

2.1 Mkcert (Dependencies)

Follow Documentation for Installation

For Windows and WSL, i recommand to install on linux, retrieve the CA and CA-Key. And Trust it after on windows side. The "mkcert install" will only auto-trust for the linux side.

2.2 Cert-Manager

#!/usr/bin/env bash

#All Scripts are configure to be use in the directory
cd ./cert-manager


sleep 5


cd ..

3. Github Container Registry

minikube need to have credentials to access to Github Container Registry

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Replace value:
# USERNAME: Github Username
# PASSWORD: Github Personnal Access Token
# EMAIL: Github Email

kubectl -n websocket-example \
    create secret docker-registry \
    github-ghcr \ \
    --docker-username=USERNAME \

4. Test-service to validate installation

Deploy a test service with Simple Hello World Access to it

#!/usr/bin/env bash

cd ./test-service
