Releases: pierremolinaro/acan-esp32
CANMessage.h renamed to ACAN_ESP32_CANMessage.h
2.0.1 Version 2.0.1
Update for Arduino ESP32 3.0.0-alpha3 board manager
2.0.0 Version 2.0.0 for Arduino ESP32 3.0.0-alpha3
Added compatibility with ESP32C3 and ESP32C3
1.1.2 Version 1.1.2
Added available, statusFlags and recoverFromBusOff methods.
Added available
method (thanks to Modelfan
This method returns true if the driver receive FIFO is not empty, and false if it is empty.
Added recoverFromBusOff
(thanks to matthew‐mower
If the CAN Controller is bus-off and in reset mode, the method starts recovery and returns true. To return to the Error Active state, the TWAI controller must undergo Bus-Off recovery. Bus-Off recovery requires the TWAI controller to observe 128 occurrences of 11 consecutive Recessive bits on the bus. For example at 500 kbit/s, The recovery time is therefore greater than or equal to 11 * 128 * 2 μs = 2.816 ms. During recovery, the CAN controller is bus-off, but not in reset mode. You can test the bus-off state using the statusFlags
If the CAN Controller is not bus-off or not in reset mode, the method has no effect and returns false.
Added statusFlags
This method returns four status flags:
- bit0: 1 if the hardware receive buffer did overflow, 0 otherwise;
- bit1: 1 if the driver receive buffer did overflow, 0 otherwise;
- bit2: 1 if the CAN controller is bus-off, 0 otherwise;
- bit3: 1 if the CAN controller is in reset mode, 0 otherwise;
- bits 4-31: always 0.
The value returned is therefore zero when there is no error.
Added functions for resetting buffer peak count
Added resetDriverTransmitBufferPeakCount
and resetDriverReceiveBufferPeakCount
methods in ACAN_ESP32
Added CANMessage class union members
Added data_s64
, data_s32
, data_s16
and data_s8
to CANMessage
class union members (thanks to tomtom0707
Corrected typo in library description
1.0.4 Version 1.0.4 : Corrected typo in library description
Updated for ESP32 Arduino 2.0.0-rc1
1.03 Updated
Fixed tryToSend bug
Thanks to DirkMeintjies for reporting this bug.
Added reception filters
Release 1.0.1 Added reception filters