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Release 1.2 change list

jledbetter edited this page Aug 16, 2011 · 12 revisions

Images and Files Uploads

  • The Image and Link buttons of the WYSIWYG editor now have support for uploading files (o the Upload tab).

Link Upload

  • If you change your mind about where do you want to insert the link to the uploaded file or display the uploaded image, you can choose from past uploads of files and images by clicking the Browse Server button.

Browse Button

  • Browse previously uploaded files will let you choose from a radio button list.

browse files

  • Browse previously uploaded images will let you choose from a gallery.

browse image

  • Though we added support for uploads, we still recommend users to use external websites which are specialized in hosting particular kinds of files. Even better if those external websites are on the embeds list you will see below.

More and nicer embeds

Now thanks to we offer support for embedding many more kinds of content on p2pu.

embeds1 embeds2 embeds3

  • The previously available YouTube and SlideShare buttons from the rich text editor were replaced with an Embed button.

embed button

  • If you click on the help link on that dialog, will be open with a list of the kinds of content you can embed. Clicking on one of the items on that page will let you know for what they are useful and the urls you can embed.

embed providers

  • If you prefer to type instead of using the Embed dialog you just have to add [embed:] with the url you want to embed.

  • Remember to use the Preview functionality to see how the embed will look like when you save or post what you were writing.

Send your Badges to the Open Badges Infrastructure (OBI)

  • For those users that participated and earned badges in our first badges pilot, you can now send your badges to the Open Badge Infrastructure.

manage badges

From the Lernanta Dev Workshop


Thanks to the people that on August 6th attended our dev workshop at Toronto, the following features were included on this release.

  • Short descriptions of study groups or courses are now visible on the search results (as google finishes re-indexing our site).

short descriptions

  • If you forget your password and the email you registered on p2pu. You can now request to reset it using your username.

forgot password

  • First step in providing statistics to school organizers.

school stats 0.1


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