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How to create releases with Maven

dstenger edited this page Oct 16, 2024 · 17 revisions

This manual applies to all CITE projects using Maven.

How to configure Maven

Configure Maven release plugin

Following is a recommended Maven release plugin configuration for all projects:


Create signed artefacts

Add maven-gpg-plugin to pom.xml of project to be deployed:


Configure Nexus staging maven plugin

Following is a recommended Nexus staging maven plugin configuration for all projects:


Configure Maven scm publish plugin

Following is a recommended Maven configuration for all projects:


[SCM_URL] has to be replaced with the URL of the project repository (e.g. scm:git:[email protected]:opengeospatial/ets-gpkg12.git)

How to create Jenkinsfile

Create Jenkinsfile with path jenkinsfiles/release/Jenkinsfile and add following content.

pipeline {
  agent any
  tools {
    maven 'mvn'
    jdk 'JDK 8'
  stages {
    stage('Initialize') {
        sh '''
          echo "PATH = ${PATH}"
          echo "M2_HOME = ${M2_HOME}"
        sh 'mvn --version'
    stage('Release') {
        sh 'mvn -Dresume=false -DdryRun=true release:prepare -Psign-artifacts-with-ogc,integration-tests,docker -DreleaseVersion=${releaseVersion} -DdevelopmentVersion=${developmentVersion}'
        sh 'mvn -Dresume=false release:prepare release:perform -Psign-artifacts-with-ogc,integration-tests,docker -DreleaseVersion=${releaseVersion} -DdevelopmentVersion=${developmentVersion}'
    stage('Publication of site') {
        sh 'git checkout ${releaseVersion}'
        sh 'mvn clean install site site:stage scm-publish:publish-scm'
    stage('Results') {
        archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'target/*', allowEmptyArchive: true

Now, releases can be created with any Jenkins instance by using the Jenkinsfile.

How to execute Maven plugins manually

Create release with Maven release plugin

Execute followings commands to create a release:

mvn -Dresume=false -DdryRun=true release:prepare
mvn -Dresume=false release:prepare release:perform -Psign-artifacts-with-ogc

Run integration tests

mvn clean install site -Pintegration-tests,docker

Note that if you are building the project from within a Java 11+ environment you may need to add this option to the maven command -Dsource=8. See this GitHub Issue for an explanation.

Publish sites with Maven scm publish plugin

Execute following commands to publish sites:

mvn clean install site site:stage scm-publish:publish-scm

If a release shall be deployed, check out the tag of the release first.

Note that if you are building the project from within a Java 11+ environment you may need to add this option to the maven command -Dsource=8. See this GitHub Issue for an explanation.