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👼Script: added reading verts and texcoords from Mesh.
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Task 3/3 from RigsOfRods#3030.
This means I can start writing a script to batch together terrain objects (meshes+textures) for performance - especially for Community Map

New script API:
* objects: `MeshPtr, SubMesh, MeshManager`
* to get vert positions, use "array<vector3>@ __getVertexPositions()" on SubMesh
* ditto for vert texcoords, note the extra index param because mesh can have more than 1 texcoord layer: "array<vector2>@ __getVertexTexcoords(uint index)"

See example script ""
  • Loading branch information
ohlidalp committed Feb 20, 2024
1 parent f508e9c commit dfef6a7
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192 changes: 192 additions & 0 deletions resources/scripts/
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@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
// \title Experiment - a visual vertex/texcoord display tool
// \brief Demo of `__getVertexPositions()` & `__getVertexTexcoords()` functions.
// ===================================================

#include ""

GridViewer gTexcoordsViewer;
GridViewer gVertsViewer;
Ogre::MeshPtr gMesh;
Ogre::TexturePtr gTex;
array<vector3>@ gVertPositions = null;
array<vector2>@ gVertTexcoords = null;
int gVertViewAlongAxis = 2; // X=0, Y=1, Z=2
float gBottomBarHeight = 50;
color gColorViewerImageTint(1,1,1,1); // white
color gVertColor(0.1f, 0.9f, 0.3f, 1);
color gTexcoordColor(0.8,1,0,1);
float gVertRadius = 1.8;
float gTexcoordRadius = 1.6;
int gVertNumSeg = 5;
int gTexcoordNumSeg = 5;
string gErrorStr = "";
bool gShowRawTexcoords=false;

float fmax(float a, float b) { return a>b?a:b; }
float fmin(float a, float b) { return a<b?a:b; }

void setupTool()
gVertsViewer.hAxis = 0; // X
gVertsViewer.vAxis = 1; // Y

gTexcoordsViewer.hAxis = 0; // X
gTexcoordsViewer.vAxis = 1; // Y

gMesh = Ogre::MeshManager::getSingleton().load("character.mesh", "MeshesRG");
if (gMesh.isNull())
gErrorStr = "couldn't load mesh";
gTex = Ogre::TextureManager::getSingleton().load("", "TexturesRG");
if (gTex.isNull())
gErrorStr = "couldn't load tex";

game.log("Num. submeshes: " + gMesh.getSubMeshes().length());
if (gMesh.getSubMeshes().length() == 0)
gErrorStr = "no submeshes";

Ogre::SubMesh@ submesh = gMesh.getSubMeshes()[0];
if (@submesh == null)
gErrorStr = "submesh is null";

@gVertPositions = submesh.__getVertexPositions();
if (@gVertPositions == null)
gErrorStr = "vert positions array is null";

@gVertTexcoords = submesh.__getVertexTexcoords(0);
if (@gVertTexcoords == null)
gErrorStr = "vert texcoords array is null";

void drawGridViews()
vector2 windowSize = ImGui::GetWindowContentRegionMax() - ImGui::GetWindowContentRegionMin();
float spaceUnderViewer = 50;
vector2 panelSize = vector2(windowSize.x / 2, windowSize.y - (gBottomBarHeight));
vector2 viewerSize = vector2(windowSize.x / 2, windowSize.y - (gBottomBarHeight+spaceUnderViewer));

if (ImGui::BeginChild("leftPane",panelSize))

// Draw the vert positions
for (uint i=0; i < gVertPositions.length(); i++)
vector2 screenPos = gVertsViewer.localToScreenPos(gVertPositions[i]);
ImGui::GetWindowDrawList().AddCircleFilled(screenPos, gVertRadius, gVertColor, gVertNumSeg);


if (@gVertPositions != null)
ImGui::TextColored( gVertColor, "Num verts: "+gVertPositions.length());
ImGui::EndChild(); // "leftPane"


if (ImGui::BeginChild("rightPane", panelSize))
if (gShowRawTexcoords)
if (ImGui::BeginChild("rawTexcoordsPane", viewerSize))
for (uint i=0; i < gVertTexcoords.length(); i++)
ImGui::Text("["+i+"] X(U)="+formatFloat(gVertTexcoords[i].x, "",5, 3)+" Y(V)="+formatFloat(gVertTexcoords[i].y, "", 5, 3));
ImGui::EndChild(); //"rawTexcoordsPane"


// draw the image
vector2 screenMin = gTexcoordsViewer.localToScreenPos(vector3(0,0,0));
vector2 screenMax = gTexcoordsViewer.localToScreenPos(vector3(gTex.getWidth(),gTex.getHeight(),1));
ImGui::GetWindowDrawList().AddImage(gTex, screenMin, screenMax, vector2(0,0), vector2(1,1), gColorViewerImageTint);

// Draw the texcoords
for (uint i=0; i < gVertTexcoords.length(); i++)
vector2 screenPos = gTexcoordsViewer.localToScreenPos(vector3(gVertTexcoords[i].x*gTex.getWidth(), gVertTexcoords[i].y*gTex.getHeight(), 0));
ImGui::GetWindowDrawList().AddCircleFilled(screenPos, gTexcoordRadius, gTexcoordColor, gTexcoordNumSeg);


if (@gVertTexcoords != null)
ImGui::TextColored(gTexcoordColor, "Num Texcoords: "+gVertTexcoords.length());
ImGui::Checkbox("Show raw texcoords", gShowRawTexcoords);
ImGui::EndChild(); // "rightPane"

void drawBottomBar()
ImGui::TextDisabled("Select viewing axis for the verts"); ImGui::SameLine();
ImGui::RadioButton("X", gVertViewAlongAxis, 0); ImGui::SameLine();
ImGui::RadioButton("Y", gVertViewAlongAxis, 1); ImGui::SameLine();
ImGui::RadioButton("Z", gVertViewAlongAxis, 2);

switch (gVertViewAlongAxis)
case 0: gVertsViewer.hAxis=2; gVertsViewer.vAxis=1; break; // view along X: horizontal=Z, vertical=Y
case 1: gVertsViewer.hAxis=0; gVertsViewer.vAxis=1; break; // view along Y: horizontal=Z, vertical=X
case 2: gVertsViewer.hAxis=0; gVertsViewer.vAxis=1; break; // view along Z: horizontal=X, vertical=Y
default: ImGui::Text("ERROR: INVALID AXIS!!"); break;


// ================= entry points ===================

void main()
game.log("Experimental vertex position/texcoord display UI");

void frameStep(float dt)
if (gErrorStr == "")
ImGui::TextDisabled("E R R O R !!");
ImGui::TextColored(color(1, 0.2, 0, 1), gErrorStr);
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