Releases: newjersey/
Releases · newjersey/
5.12.0 (2023-02-02)
Bug Fixes
- [#183874527] split field on tax task (a6310df)
- [#184258348] business name specific error on tax filing lookup modal (813724c)
- [#184364900] set registeredISO on successful lookup if it is undefined (46e5b74)
- add Form Name back into CMS (f6f214e)
- added onBlur validation for foreign date of incorporation field (33b4cdd)
- adjusting formation signature content for dakota (a960a9b)
- back-versioning semantic-release to support node16 deployment (5553c3d)
- dakota formation llc/llp copy adjustments (9358939)
- dba stepper autoscroll (9203568)
- deps: update aws-amplify (78bf306)
- deps: update aws-amplify (4c0354d)
- deps: update aws-amplify (d47b6ff)
- deps: update aws-sdk to v3.252.0 (26fc502)
- deps: update aws-sdk to v3.254.0 (a7b9309)
- deps: update aws-sdk to v3.257.0 (1d058d0)
- deps: update aws-sdk to v3.259.0 (e29decb)
- deps: update dependency @aws-crypto/sha256-browser to v3 (27780ba)
- deps: update dependency @aws-sdk/client-cloudwatch-logs to v3.250.0 (4544f99)
- deps: update dependency @mui/x-date-pickers to v5.0.14 (5aed37c)
- deps: update dependency @mui/x-date-pickers to v5.0.15 (888da79)
- deps: update dependency @mui/x-date-pickers to v5.0.16 (3f320a2)
- deps: update dependency rehype-react to v7.1.2 (5a4a8e4)
- deps: update dependency serverless-http to v3.1.1 (aee7d18)
- deps: update dependency ua-parser-js to v1.0.33 [security] (1c1ef79)
- deps: update dependency unist-util-visit to v4.1.2 (8aa99f8)
- deps: update material-ui (4ec4d2f)
- deps: update material-ui (5ac321c)
- deps: update material-ui (0caa369)
- failing tests that would only pass when run in january (e1c22b2)
- incorrect env variables (f1bf545)
- inline validation was not firing for municipality dropdowns (e398302)
- link mistake in nj-trade-expansion-program funding (77669bc)
- prettify types (4d7fcca)
- removing payer info from formation submission for foreign/dakota (472237a)
- removing un-used CMS fields (52a4551)
- spellcheck (c9657f8)
- updated prettier rule code adjustment (69f30e3)
- updated prettier typescript rules (cd75718)
- updating Biz Form - FLC signatures (#5183) (5b91783)
- updating Contextual Information business-structure-learn-more (#5193) (aab6bd2)
- updating Contextual Information impact-zone-business-cannabis (#5192) (b76977f)
- updating dakota copy (21f92fe)
- updating Fund Opps - Content child-care-facilities-improvement-program (#5186) (9ff6a04)
- updating Fund Opps - Content njeda-historic-property (#5185) (ca4ecc7)
- updating Fund Opps - Content small-business-improvement (#5184) (a395d04)
- updating General Config config (#5134) (c72982b)
- updating General Config config (#5179) (8d3fb9b)
- updating General Config config (#5180) (055292c)
- updating Profile Page profile-fields (#5187) (a8a91b4)
- updating Roadmaps - Add-ons public-record-filing (#5071) (e2d641f)
- updating Roadmaps - Add-ons scorp (#5070) (38e44d4)
- updating Roadmaps - Industries electrical-contractor (#5158) (8d7a87b)
- updating Roadmaps - Industries healthcare (#5133) ([f991699](
5.11.0 (2023-01-11)
Bug Fixes
- updating Contextual Information animal-facilities (#5039) (82d6563)
- updating Roadmaps - Industries petcare (#5052) (fb9d292)
- updating Tasks - All detective-employees (#5045) (6b44655)
- updating Tasks - All petcare-license (#5036) (0ae8747)
- updating Tasks - All petcare-license (#5037) (b22c8e7)
- updating Tasks - All petcare-license (#5040) (80bcf87)
- updating Tasks - All petcare-license (#5043) (21eee19)
- updating Tasks - All petcare-license (#5044) (9720113)
- updating Tasks - All petcare-license (#5047) (b68d7b9)
- updating Tasks - All petcare-license (#5048) (b7d723f)
- updating Tasks - All petcare-license (#5050) (26eba0a)
- updating Tasks - All petcare-license (#5051) (c48cc59)
- [#184016531] remove location question from oscar onboarding (21bee91)
5.10.0 (2023-01-10)
Bug Fixes
- [#183677756] merge content issue (b1b43fb)
- [#183677756] tax filings modal errors (df01433)
- [#184066392] taxFiling API errorField refactor (9075899)
- [#184137654] contextual info focuses when opened from modal (5ae3566)
- [#184154865] incorrect input label for formation State (d008216)
- add NJCRC to cspell (1e7d220)
- broken test (466535b)
- bug when adding new taxId field to tax access modal (90c37dd)
- deps: update aws-amplify (ba69163)
- deps: update aws-amplify (c2a3ed9)
- deps: update aws-amplify to v5.0.5 (a9c2993)
- deps: update aws-sdk (8020b65)
- deps: update aws-sdk to v3.229.0 (d20794f)
- deps: update aws-sdk to v3.231.0 (b569c8b)
- deps: update aws-sdk to v3.234.0 (60f4289)
- deps: update aws-sdk to v3.236.0 (6281a44)
- deps: update aws-sdk to v3.238.0 (422aa5e)
- deps: update aws-sdk to v3.241.0 (5a97721)
- deps: update aws-sdk to v3.245.0 (90481fd)
- deps: update dependency @aws-sdk/client-cloudwatch-logs to v3.244.0 (1fc11d1)
- deps: update dependency @mui/material to v5.11.3 (4468779)
- deps: update dependency @mui/x-date-pickers to v5.0.10 (6a6c168)
- deps: update dependency @mui/x-date-pickers to v5.0.12 (712808d)
- deps: update dependency @mui/x-date-pickers to v5.0.13 (9bab5ff)
- deps: update dependency dayjs to v1.11.7 (c448bbe)
- deps: update dependency jsonwebtoken to v9 [security] (2de4226)
- deps: update dependency serverless-offline to v12.0.1 (49692b3)
- deps: update dependency serverless-offline to v12.0.2 (e3cada4)
- deps: update dependency serverless-offline to v12.0.3 (572f6d3)
- deps: update dependency serverless-offline to v12.0.4 (3eea726)
- deps: update material-ui (ff4e2ac)
- deps: update material-ui (cc15951)
- deps: update material-ui (2e283a2)
- removed unused content fields in config (66136ec)
- resolving merge conflict (147719d)
- updating Cert Opps - Content sbe (#4997) (3081c34)
- updating Contextual Information cbt-annually (#4996) (ff0e519)
- updating Contextual Information nexus-business (#4994) (2b63112)
- updating Contextual Information tax-id (#4995) (6e4ab83)
- updating cypress test for nexus-name-test (eff328d)
- updating cypress test for nexus-name-test v2 (e885bcc)
- updating General Config config (#4891) (7f692b1)
- updating General Config config (#5013) (ca2192b)
- updating General Config config (#5014) (1c32dd1)
- updating Roadmaps - Add-ons cannabis-conditional (#4897) (73d2cb3)
- updating Roadmaps - Industries cannabis (#4898) (12e8d1f)
- updating Tasks - All appraiser-company-register (#4991) (dd7fac2)
- updating Tasks - All authorization-architect-firm (#4990) (07c1977)
- updating Tasks - All bus-inspection (#4989) (cbaf410)
- updating Tasks - All cannabis-bank-account (#4988) (68436a9)
- updating Tasks - All cannabis-evaluate-location (#4893) (b9012a4)
- updating Tasks - All cannabis-evaluate-location (#4894) (4991c71)
5.9.1 (2022-12-14)
Bug Fixes
- [#184035288] send town name (not display name) for members in formation (3e1ff9b)
5.9.0 (2022-12-12)
Bug Fixes
- [#183443994] complete code clean up (#4773) (5b27729)
- [#183443994] css cursor update (8667070)
- [#183443994] css updates hover and shadow (#4798) (e4f8c2e)
- [#183443994] landing redesign updates for copy, pic, and tiles (#4811) (74bb645)
- [#183443994] update padding and margin (#4800) (2db82ae)
- [#183443994]update get started functionality, copy, and style (#4817) (0b32c74)
- [#183512678] update choose date picker command in cypress (0e62861)
- [#183807703] added CTA to tax task (24edb81)
- [#183807703] correct contextual link for entity id in markdown file (0047d2e)
- [#183927904] correctly hide entity ID for trade name in profile (03b6683)
- added encryptTaxId lambada to serverless (d1790a9)
- adding kms access to lambda role (84161c5)
- addresed flakey test in OnboardingIndustry widget (f77fa31)
- addresed flakey test in OnboardingIndustry widget (50eddb4)
- correcting migration v97 for non-formation legal types (f6e9e30)
- cspell add ESBE (b4c8cf6)
- deps: update aws-amplify (02078d1)
- deps: update aws-amplify to v5 (169334e)
- deps: update aws-amplify to v5.0.4 (84d8e06)
- deps: update aws-sdk (7925e2c)
- deps: update aws-sdk (ca82571)
- deps: update aws-sdk to v3.200.0 (1c122a1)
- deps: update aws-sdk to v3.201.0 (3623713)
- deps: update aws-sdk to v3.204.0 (87f19b0)
- deps: update aws-sdk to v3.208.0 (2fa4aac)
- deps: update aws-sdk to v3.211.0 (d32ffcd)
- deps: update aws-sdk to v3.212.0 (31626a8)
- deps: update aws-sdk to v3.213.0 (eab4eeb)
- deps: update aws-sdk to v3.214.0 (e28260f)
- deps: update aws-sdk to v3.215.0 (50798c4)
- deps: update aws-sdk to v3.216.0 (3c6ae01)
- deps: update aws-sdk to v3.218.0 (ab2f3d7)
- deps: update aws-sdk to v3.224.0 (e98858b)
- deps: update aws-sdk to v3.225.0 (9c9399a)
- deps: update dependency @mui/x-date-pickers to v5.0.7 (b911eb3)
- deps: update dependency focus-trap-react to v10.0.1 (23003a9)
- deps: update dependency helmet to v6.0.1 (70f3361)
- deps: update dependency next-seo to v5.13.0 (e62fcac)
- deps: update dependency next-seo to v5.14.0 (0ace1aa)
- deps: update dependency next-seo to v5.14.1 (88cdb8f)
- deps: update dependency next-seo to v5.15.0 (43f56db)
- deps: update dependency serverless-offline to v11.2.3 (dd1d907)
- deps: update dependency serverless-offline to v11.4.0 (d63e852)
- deps: update dependency serverless-offline to v11.5.0 (b1aae76)
- deps: update dependency serverless-offline to v11.6.0 (052bae9)
- deps: update dependency serverless-offline to v12 (ad0d254)
- deps: update material-ui (245c650)
- deps: update material-ui (bda52a1)
- deps: update material-ui (f643dbd)
- deps: update material-ui (3efb343)
- deps: update material-ui (17509b0)
- eslint-plugin-unicorn linting fixes (cc5677d)
- prettier (9b05c28)
- prettier upgrade code fixes (af74041)
- removed unused jest snapshot ([296e065](296e0652611b1e4027232df6a2fff...
5.8.0 (2022-11-03)
Bug Fixes
- [#183356354] update config YAML for poppy industry-specific questions (1d95c74)
- [#183545374] add formation-nudge-button analytics (c627d81)
- [#183546865] always show business name that was entered in formation step 1 in review step (f0bace1)
- [#183559127] display annual report date correctly (386f884)
- [#183580715] for you opportunities empty state (0a72386)
- [#183617086] correct hidden certifications and fundings count (f1dc506)
- [#183633952] revert naics code profile label (e8c6db4)
- [#183640880] calendar toggle button displays on correct phases (5caf25a)
- [#183679981] refactoring essential questions with more comprehensive testing (efe13d1)
- [#183692051] remove contextual info from error message (4514828)
- added missing formation types to migrations (e42b61f)
- api response error in formation was blocking user from resubmitting (76e0c12)
- corrected erroneous character in (3c60070)
- deps: update aws-amplify (1d0602a)
- deps: update aws-amplify (2c7adb0)
- deps: update aws-amplify (a921e39)
- deps: update aws-sdk (ce85b06)
- deps: update aws-sdk to v3.197.0 (cb2f1d3)
- deps: update aws-sdk to v3.198.0 (d972eac)
- deps: update aws-sdk to v3.199.0 (dd5b47e)
- deps: update dependency @mui/x-date-pickers to v5.0.6 (cf06ae7)
- deps: update dependency next-seo to v5.11.0 (4176dab)
- deps: update dependency next-seo to v5.11.1 (0cc8790)
- deps: update dependency next-seo to v5.8.0 (56621fa)
- deps: update dependency next-seo to v5.9.0 (75be1b9)
- deps: update dependency serverless-http to v3.1.0 (dad2065)
- deps: update dependency serverless-offline to v11 (d39f4f7)
- deps: update dependency serverless-offline to v11.2.0 (4cc6e23)
- deps: update dependency serverless-offline to v11.2.1 (e3c8029)
- deps: update dependency simple-oauth2 to v5 (ff57da0)
- deps: update emotion monorepo to v11.10.5 (365633a)
- deps: update material-ui (6a89e63)
- deps: update material-ui (60df122)
- downgraded circleci images back to 16.16.0 (c164835)
- downgraded firefox to 101 in cypress and upgraded circleci images (25d760b)
- fixed flakey unit tests due to cannabis-conditional default value (f3980c7)
- missing migration imports (670ca6e)
- moved api port to 5002 to avoid port conflict in OSX (62cc645)
- off-by-one error for onboarding industry (d11fb50)
- updated content for Tax ID to NJ Tax ID (09fa514)
- updated gov2go tax lookup api error state handling (c11e909)
- updated tax filing id fields (dd57235)
- updating Fund Opps - Content pace-apprenticeship-in-career-education (#4638) (f92729b)
- updating General Config config (#4580) (1f435a5)
- updating General Config config (#4582) (589a6c2)
- updating Profile Page profile-info-oscar (#4643) (d2d7815)
- updating Profile Page profile-info-poppy (#4642) (b53bb99)
- updating Profile Page profile-info-poppy (#4644) (fdf8e31)
- updating Roadmaps - Settings task-dependencies (#4585) (dcd114f)
- updating Tasks - All daycare-license (#4584) (b5e2519)
- updating Tasks - All daycare-site-requirements (#4583) ([4d5947f](4d5947f24e6b776dd3abf8c05f5a...