5.9.0 (2022-12-12)
Bug Fixes
[#183443994 ] complete code clean up (#4773 ) (5b27729 )
[#183443994 ] css cursor update (8667070 )
[#183443994 ] css updates hover and shadow (#4798 ) (e4f8c2e )
[#183443994 ] landing redesign updates for copy, pic, and tiles (#4811 ) (74bb645 )
[#183443994 ] update padding and margin (#4800 ) (2db82ae )
[#183443994 ]update get started functionality, copy, and style (#4817 ) (0b32c74 )
[#183512678 ] update choose date picker command in cypress (0e62861 )
[#183807703 ] added CTA to tax task (24edb81 )
[#183807703 ] correct contextual link for entity id in markdown file (0047d2e )
[#183927904 ] correctly hide entity ID for trade name in profile (03b6683 )
added encryptTaxId lambada to serverless (d1790a9 )
adding kms access to lambda role (84161c5 )
addresed flakey test in OnboardingIndustry widget (f77fa31 )
addresed flakey test in OnboardingIndustry widget (50eddb4 )
correcting migration v97 for non-formation legal types (f6e9e30 )
cspell add ESBE (b4c8cf6 )
deps: update aws-amplify (02078d1 )
deps: update aws-amplify to v5 (169334e )
deps: update aws-amplify to v5.0.4 (84d8e06 )
deps: update aws-sdk (7925e2c )
deps: update aws-sdk (ca82571 )
deps: update aws-sdk to v3.200.0 (1c122a1 )
deps: update aws-sdk to v3.201.0 (3623713 )
deps: update aws-sdk to v3.204.0 (87f19b0 )
deps: update aws-sdk to v3.208.0 (2fa4aac )
deps: update aws-sdk to v3.211.0 (d32ffcd )
deps: update aws-sdk to v3.212.0 (31626a8 )
deps: update aws-sdk to v3.213.0 (eab4eeb )
deps: update aws-sdk to v3.214.0 (e28260f )
deps: update aws-sdk to v3.215.0 (50798c4 )
deps: update aws-sdk to v3.216.0 (3c6ae01 )
deps: update aws-sdk to v3.218.0 (ab2f3d7 )
deps: update aws-sdk to v3.224.0 (e98858b )
deps: update aws-sdk to v3.225.0 (9c9399a )
deps: update dependency @mui/x-date-pickers to v5.0.7 (b911eb3 )
deps: update dependency focus-trap-react to v10.0.1 (23003a9 )
deps: update dependency helmet to v6.0.1 (70f3361 )
deps: update dependency next-seo to v5.13.0 (e62fcac )
deps: update dependency next-seo to v5.14.0 (0ace1aa )
deps: update dependency next-seo to v5.14.1 (88cdb8f )
deps: update dependency next-seo to v5.15.0 (43f56db )
deps: update dependency serverless-offline to v11.2.3 (dd1d907 )
deps: update dependency serverless-offline to v11.4.0 (d63e852 )
deps: update dependency serverless-offline to v11.5.0 (b1aae76 )
deps: update dependency serverless-offline to v11.6.0 (052bae9 )
deps: update dependency serverless-offline to v12 (ad0d254 )
deps: update material-ui (245c650 )
deps: update material-ui (bda52a1 )
deps: update material-ui (f643dbd )
deps: update material-ui (3efb343 )
deps: update material-ui (17509b0 )
eslint-plugin-unicorn linting fixes (cc5677d )
prettier (9b05c28 )
prettier upgrade code fixes (af74041 )
removed unused jest snapshot (296e065 )
removing BOM and weird linebreak characters that are breaking markdown rendering (4068404 )
updating Cert Opps - Content veteran-owned-business (#4857 ) (f85b894 )
updating Contextual Information tax-id (#4674 ) (d9ebc95 )
updating cspell (2469e3a )
updating Fund Opps - Content child-care-facilities-improvement-program (#4751 ) (47b2d8f )
updating Fund Opps - Content new-jersey’s-clean-energy-program-–-combined-heat-power-fuel-cells (#4836 ) (7526721 )
updating Fund Opps - Content new-jersey’s-clean-energy-program-–-commercial-industrial-new-construction (#4837 ) (0b8ede0 )
updating Fund Opps - Content new-jersey’s-clean-energy-program-large-energy-users (#4833 ) (463a416 )
updating Fund Opps - Content new-jersey’s-clean-energy-program-local-government-energy-audit (#4834 ) (4adc2e0 )
updating Fund Opps - Content new-jersey’s-clean-energy-program-residential-new-construction (#4835 ) (2e707e8 )
updating Fund Opps - Content nj-brownfields-assistance (#4832 ) (5de2a33 )
updating Fund Opps - Content research-with-nj (#4838 ) (b8a44e9 )
updating Fund Opps - Content the-small-business (#4831 ) (54d3be8 )
updating General Config config (#4656 ) (bdbf064 )
updating lambda dynamodb permissions (731e18c )
updating Roadmaps - Industries cannabis (#4853 ) (807a002 )
updating Roadmaps - Industries car-service (#4854 ) (378a52b )
updating Roadmaps - Industries detective (#4704 ) (3090b07 )
updating Roadmaps - Industries detective (#4770 ) (c4e4ac2 )
updating Roadmaps - Industries healthcare (#4655 ) (2f591db )
updating Roadmaps - Industries independent-artist (#4654 ) (1af7177 )
updating Roadmaps - Industries massage-therapy (#4726 ) (34d2709 )
updating Roadmaps - Settings task-dependencies (#4722 ) (023848e )
updating Tasks - All architect-license (#4723 ) (e41203e )
updating Tasks - All daycare-site-requirements (#4724 ) (7d8a919 )
updating Tasks - All daycare-site-requirements (#4725 ) (011a8d8 )
updating Tasks - All detective-agency-license (#4699 ) (eab9bcb )
updating Tasks - All detective-agency-license (#4730 ) (bdf6670 )
updating Tasks - All detective-agency-license (#4732 ) (d7178b2 )
updating Tasks - All detective-agency-license (#4733 ) (c28d91a )
updating Tasks - All detective-agency-license (#4734 ) (54f9f55 )
updating Tasks - All detective-agency-license (#4769 ) (caf090a )
updating Tasks - All detective-employees (#4701 ) (19d1b27 )
updating Tasks - All detective-employees (#4706 ) (ca13b10 )
updating Tasks - All detective-employees (#4735 ) (c786fc6 )
updating Tasks - All register-consumer-affairs (#4659 ) (b2f6241 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.