Releases: newjersey/
2.1.0 (2022-02-15)
Bug Fixes
- [#1309] corrected sector dropdown margin (ce97e1e)
- [#1362] make funding filter logic look at all criteria (8471840)
- [#1409] removed step number from stepper in mobile (83575ba)
- [#944] fixed preview bug for context info in cms (e5cddb9)
- [1397] calcuate the total for business formation forms when returning to the page (3767817)
- added autoComplete off to date of formation (549e724)
- added missing package to web pacakge.json (f6998ea)
- align members modal buttons in mobile (fd93e0b)
- correct spelling (f50e4ed)
- dashboard/roadmap redirect test (b09784a)
- deps: update dependency swr to v1.2.1 (72ef3a9)
- deps: update material-ui (b2e5a8c)
- fix dashboard/roadmap redirect (1620827)
- increased options length for context-info in cms (d82c1d5)
- preview bug for context-info in cms (6b5f8a9)
- preview bug for task in cms (2060752)
- update opportunity tag width to fit content (c1b321d)
- updating Archived Funding Opportunities Content mwbe (#1661) (84f1850)
- updating Archived Funding Opportunities Content nj-industry-partnerships (#1602) (2de797a)
- updating Archived Funding Opportunities Content sbe (#1704) (fa0e754)
- updating Business Formation business-address-line1 (#1713) (ef9bf55)
- updating Business Formation contact-information (#1717) (74f91b8)
- updating Business Formation doc-certificate-of-standing (#1743) (bf1a23b)
- updating Business Formation doc-certified-copy-of-formation-document (#1726) (efd7a86)
- updating Business Formation doc-certified-copy-of-formation-document (#1744) (0751297)
- updating Business Formation doc-official-formation (#1742) (ca02ccb)
- updating Business Formation opt-in-annual-report (#1727) (96ff86d)
- updating Business Formation opt-in-corp-watch (#1728) (4d4cc91)
- updating Business Formation registered-agent (#1723) (0c9afa6)
- updating Business Formation registered-agent-number (#1714) (c7e1f27)
- updating Business Formation services (#1729) (1fe7381)
- updating Contextual Information legal-structure-learn-more (#1694) (08b410a)
- updating Funding Opportunities Content premier-lender-program (#1651) (9b82cd7)
- updating Funding Opportunities Content veteran-owned-business (#1665) (80e5a6c)
- updating Profile Content tax-pin (#1640) (273dc8c)
- updating Tasks license-accounting (#1689) (69da87f)
- updating Tasks register-firm-accounting (#1690) (1075fb1)
- updating Tasks register-for-ein (#1668) (fe99c9f)
- updating Tasks register-for-ein (#1669) (661eb65)
- [#1309] added searchable single select sector dropdown (882561e)
- [#1330] update business formation padding (fa2c61e)
- [#1331] add column design to business formation (b96e0ac)
- [#1331] add content, divider, spacing for business formation (c4cbf02)
- [#1333] switched from payment dropdown to table (6d8ff3b)
- [#1362] dynamically filter funding opportunities from onboarding (d1ad71c)
2.0.0 (2022-02-07)
Bug Fixes
deps: update aws-amplify (1cebef9)
deps: update dependency next-seo to v5.1.0 (57100c2)
deps: update dependency winston to v3.5.1 (32756e4)
deps: update material-ui monorepo (40af36d)
make fields optional for funding in netlify (a86490f)
make task modifications options for industries and tasks (5bb78fc)
remove empty option from funding CMS (8c273cf)
update cms required fields (18751e8)
updating Contextual Information form-and-register-business (#1628) (8f55398)
updating Contextual Information registered-agent (#1532) (b9dae4c)
updating Funding Opportunities Content premier-community-development (#1539) (7c90a27)
updating Funding Opportunities Content premier-lender-program (#1540) (8d42ddc)
updating Funding Opportunities Content small-business-fund (#1552) (776abd8)
updating Funding Opportunities Content small-business-fund (#1613) (5419e62)
updating Funding Opportunities Content small-business-improvement (#1553) (4ddf068)
updating Funding Opportunities Content small-business-improvement (#1598) (b2fbf03)
updating Funding Opportunities Content small-business-improvement (#1614) (88fa077)
updating Funding Opportunities Content small-business-lease (#1554) (d033c98)
updating Funding Opportunities Content small-business-lease (#1601) (cf31f8f)
updating Funding Opportunities Content the-small-business (#1555) (42d0ca2)
updating Funding Opportunities Content veteran-owned-business (#1604) (542215f)
updating Funding Opportunities Content veteran-owned-business (#1612) (9ee3e05)
updating Oscar Onboarding Content date-of-formation (#1527) (4cfcdfc)
updating Oscar Onboarding Content date-of-formation (#1626) (ee19608)
updating Oscar Onboarding Content date-of-formation (#1627) (73c61ee)
updating Oscar Onboarding Content date-of-formation (#1629) (81e8145)
updating Oscar Onboarding Content existing-employees (#1526) (0c47c83)
updating Oscar Onboarding Content municipality (#1565) (d7638fe)
updating Poppy Onboarding Content municipality (#1568) (5cd44b6)
feat!: implement onboarding and dashboard for oscar persona (6b362ce)
- new persona
1.11.0 (2022-02-03)
Bug Fixes
- [#1188] correct the placeholder for the legal structure dropdown (4eb6da8)
- [#1326] create archive for funding markdowns (6a32a53)
- [#1326] move archived-opportunities folder (422e5c1)
- [#1364] formation API error handling (b6de54d)
- [#1364] wrap long URL in formation error (f0e151a)
- [#1428] update task status for pharmacy license (152e08c)
- businessformation date field test, month awareness (7ce1de0)
- changed onboarding certification to ownership (e14bb83)
- changed onboarding certification to ownership - backend (82874d0)
- cypress onboarding test (0406864)
- cypress onboarding test (d699bad)
- deps: update dependency next to v12.0.9 [security] (efe49c0)
- deps: update dependency next-seo to v5 (47c6453)
- deps: update dependency swr to v1.2.0 (ff7efe3)
- deps: update dependency winston to v3.5.0 (33e50fe)
- make Onboarding Formation date half-width (ec6ad0a)
- updating Contextual Information entity-id (#1512) (14a9528)
- updating Tasks apply-scorp-federal (#1508) (963b073)
- updating Tasks apply-scorp-state (#1509) (724adbc)
- updating Tasks insurance-massage-therapy (#1507) (14f123c)
- updating Tasks license-accounting (#1496) (f7532da)
- updating Tasks license-massage-therapy (#1452) (bfe9521)
1.10.0 (2022-01-27)
Bug Fixes
- [#1123] member migration (f50d70a)
- [#1200] business formation review section (a5069a3)
- [#1200] members section rendering 0 on page (04d1ae4)
- [#1205] adjust styling for success page (d45e04f)
- [#1205] hide documents when not available (7380208)
- [#1205] save entityID to user profile after formation (a3febca)
- updating Contextual Information legal-structure-learn-more (#1391) (80cda65)
- [#1123] members form to business formation (a1922fb)
- [#1205] business formation success page & getFiling API call (599ad05)
- revert mui.lab package back to previous version (8b387e0)
1.9.0 (2022-01-21)
Bug Fixes
- [#1072] auto-fill validation on submit (4816e81)
- [#1072] display dependency alert on first tab only (7c60b62)
- [#1072] hide response alert when submit page is revisited (b669d52)
- [#1072] remove next and previous buttons and temp submission page (7fd04e7)
- [#1072] separated business formation into tabs (7485825)
- [#1107] fix previews netlify-cms task (4c2d339)
- [1072] textfield validation when autofill used (08c1796)
- deps: update dependency focus-trap-react to v8.9.1 (1e10cd5)
- deps: update dependency winston to v3.4.0 (44d7c3f)
- deps: update material-ui monorepo (5d04b9c)
- globally added margin-top to input elements (922dd09)
- lock colors package resolution (159b077)
- remove pharmacy license feature flag (510358a)
- updating Contextual Information pharmacist-in-charge (#1382) (9d47d24)
- updating Oscar Onboarding Content has-existing-business (#1378) (1e8c37e)
- updating Poppy Onboarding Content has-existing-business (#1380) (3f2e6ec)
- updating Tasks pharmacy-license (#1379) (6fe422f)
- updating Tasks pharmacy-license (#1381) (944a0b8)
- [#1082] add pharmacy license-check screen (66adf30)
- [#1168] send user to roadmap after saving profile (5f03316)
- creating Contextual Information pharmacist-in-charge (#1340) (3f2731f)
- creating Contextual Information pharmacy-references (#1341) (967e4d0)
- creating Contextual Information veteran (#1348) (691d317)
- creating Filings Content veteran-owned-business (#1347) (e0952f3)
- creating Industry Roadmaps generic-1 (#1336) (a52c7f9)
- creating Tasks pharmacy-prepare (#1339) (44ca34a)
1.7.0 (2022-01-06)
Bug Fixes
- [#1226] correct the data being passed to the myNJ log message (3ca0970)
- [#977] await all the submits to fix act error (bf483a9)
- [#977] ensure it logs the request/response properly (c0052b6)
- corrected spacing on profile page (a07811e)
- deps: update dependency netlify-cms-app to v2.15.62 (bde82f6)
- deps: update material-ui monorepo (668c5d9)
- github cms oauth (0046ffb)
- github cms oauth (c7c59e9)
- github cms oauth (9e92c01)
- profile content (39c0ea9)
- update netlify-cms config.yml (24dff0c)
- updating Roadmap Settings task-dependencies (#1286) (5a9b63f)
- [#1065] updated font-weight to steps in onboarding flow (f5cbc56)
- [#1065] ux enhancement - heading font-size on onboarding pages (57ced6e)
- [#826] integrate name-search with NICUSA api (f25a1ec)
- [#977] add contact info to business formation (64ef13b)
- [#977] add env vars for formation api (1fa4130)
- [#977] add migration for formationData (387aa36)
- [#977] add on-blur validation for dropdowns (45c5975)
- [#977] autofill form fields from userdata (e6633d2)
- [#977] business formation v1 - addressed open issues (6a5917b)
- [#977] display errors returned from formation api (f3bbc1c)
- [#977] fix start-date label & helpertext (b8d9a44)
- [#977] full-page validation on submit (239c008)
- [#977] integrate with NICUSA api backend (91b01e8)
- [#977] redirect to payment url on successful api call (9f3d301)
- [#977] show success page when success response from API (42b9f2e)
- [#977] validate date on submit (0cb7ddf)
- adding task dependencies to CMS w/refactor (#1259) (4823c1c)
- content splitting onboarding flows and profile (#1240) (2c1e741)
- github cms oauth (f6245d2)
- squashing cms changes (61d1d20)