New in release 0.2.0
- All - extend find view strategy
- All - static factory methods to hide implementation details for changes
- EspView - click only visible views
- EspView - does not exist in view hierarchy assertion
- EspDevice - close soft keyboard and state assertions
- EspDialog - new element for dialog handling
- EspAlertDialog - new element for support v7 AlertDialog
- EspPermissionsDialog - accept / deny dialog with ui automator
- EspCameraMock - avoid real camera handling
- EspContactPickerMock - avoid real contact picker handling
- EspContactTool - create / find / delete contacts
- EspPermissionsTool - check / force permissions state
- junit - don't exclude junit, just ignore lint error
- espresso - update 2.2.1 to 2.2.2
- espresso-intents - support for intent mocks
- uiautomator - support to access non app content