Releases: nenick/espresso-macchiato
Releases · nenick/espresso-macchiato
New in release 0.5.0
- for mostly all - support template constructor
- EspPermissionDialog - use correct string resource for deny/accept buttons
- EspView - assert is hidden for not on screen or not full overlapped
- EspTextView - text color assertion
- EspEditText - inherit all EspTextView actions and assertions
- EspRecyclerView - action and assertions for RecyclerView
- EspRecyclerViewItem - action and assertions for RecyclerView items
- EspAdapterView - match item by index
- EspAdapterViewItem - match item by index
- EspGalleryMock - mock intents for gallery
- EspScreenShotTool - compare images percentage
- EspDisplayedMatcher - fix isDisplayingAtLeast Matcher to support appcompat actionbar on android pre v11 versions
New in release 0.4.0
- EspDialog - dismiss dialog but only if dialog config allow it
- EspPermissionDialog - stabilize for pre marshmallow
- EspPermissionDialog - use current localisation for button text
- EspSystemDialog - base to close dialogs with uiautomator if shown
- EspSystemAnrDialog - close anr dialog if shown
- EspSystemAerrDialog - close aerr dialog if shown
- EspAlertDialog - change prepared ids for standard alert dialog
- EspSupportAlertDialog - prepared ids for alert dialog from support package
- EspEditTextTest - with experimental all of builder
- EspDrawer - use real swipe actions instead of layout method calls
- EspPermissionsTool - stabilize for pre marshmallow
- EspPermissionsTool - report if permission is not requested in manifest
- EspScreenshotTool - take screenshots
- EspContactTool - find uri will just return null if nothing found instead of throwing an exception
- EspResourceTool - tool to access android resources
test base
- EspressoTestBase - base for all espresso test cases (finish resumed activities, close system dialogs, take screenshot when test fails, ...)
- EspressoTestCase - base for default espresso tests
- EspressoIntentTestCase - base test case for mocking intents
- EspCloseAllActivitiesFunction - use it to ensure that all active activities are finished
- EspDummyLauncherActivity - support back press at start activity
- EspScreenshotFailureHandler - take screenshot when test fails
- EspFindTestClassFunction - get the current test class and method name
- EspAllOfBuilder - experimental fluent builder for all of matcher
New in release 0.3.0
- EspView - assertions for displayed on screen / state is visible, hidden, gone
- EspEditText - assertion for hint text
- EspAdapterView - click / count / assert list items
- EspListView - click / count / assert list items
- EspAppDataTool - clear preferences / database / file cache / file storage
New in release 0.2.0
- All - extend find view strategy
- All - static factory methods to hide implementation details for changes
- EspView - click only visible views
- EspView - does not exist in view hierarchy assertion
- EspDevice - close soft keyboard and state assertions
- EspDialog - new element for dialog handling
- EspAlertDialog - new element for support v7 AlertDialog
- EspPermissionsDialog - accept / deny dialog with ui automator
- EspCameraMock - avoid real camera handling
- EspContactPickerMock - avoid real contact picker handling
- EspContactTool - create / find / delete contacts
- EspPermissionsTool - check / force permissions state
- junit - don't exclude junit, just ignore lint error
- espresso - update 2.2.1 to 2.2.2
- espresso-intents - support for intent mocks
- uiautomator - support to access non app content
New in release 0.1.1
Correct license information.
New in release 0.1.0
First basic functionality to test an android application.