You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 3
#Module systest_proc#
This module defines the systest_proc
Required callback functions: init/1
, handle_stop/2
, handle_kill/2
, handle_status/2
, handle_interaction/3
, handle_msg/3
, terminate/3
##Data Types##
proc_info() = #proc{}
proc_ref() = pid()
##Function Index##
##Function Details##
###'kill -9'/1##
'kill -9'(ProcRef::proc_ref()) -> ok
behaviour_info(X1::term()) -> [{atom(), integer()}] | undefined
code_change(OldVsn, State, Extra) -> any()
handle_call(Msg, From, State) -> any()
handle_cast(Msg, State) -> any()
handle_info(Info, State) -> any()
init(X1) -> any()
interact(ProcRef::proc_ref(), InputData::term()) -> term()
joined_sut(ProcRef::proc_ref(), SutRef::pid(), SiblingProcs::[{atom(), pid()}]) -> ok
kill(ProcRef::proc_ref()) -> ok
kill_after(TimeoutMs::integer(), ProcRef::proc_ref()) -> ok
kill_after(TimeoutMs::integer(), ProcRef::proc_ref(), Killer::atom()) -> ok
kill_and_wait(ProcRef::proc_ref()) -> ok
make_proc(Scope::atom(), Proc::atom(), Config::systest_config:config()) -> proc_info()
proc_config(Sut, Proc) -> any()
proc_data(ProcRef::proc_ref()) -> [{atom(), term()}]
proc_id(Host, Name) -> any()
shutdown_and_wait(Owner, ShutdownOp) -> any()
sigkill(ProcRef::proc_ref()) -> ok
start(ProcInfo::proc_info()) -> {ok, pid()} | {error, term()}
start(Scope::atom(), Proc::atom(), Config::[{atom(), term()}]) -> {ok, pid()} | {error, term()}
status(ProcRef::proc_ref()) -> up | {down, term()}
status_check(Node) -> any()
stop(ProcRef::proc_ref()) -> ok
stop_and_wait(ProcRef::proc_ref()) -> ok
terminate(Reason, State) -> any()
user_data(ProcRef::proc_ref()) -> [{atom(), term()}]
user_data(ProcRef::proc_ref(), Data::term()) -> ok