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Tim Watson edited this page Jun 4, 2013 · 6 revisions

Installing SysTest

To install from source, clone the repository using git, or download the version you want to use from the github downloads page.

To build the sources, execute the default make rule using make. Although you can build the sources using rebar, the makefile currently assumes some experimental features that haven't yet made it into rebar master, therefore until these features are fully merged into rebar you'll need to use the systest branch, which is maintained on github. The makefile handles this by relying on this custom version of rebar and installing it locally.

Once built, there will be an executable escript archive in ./priv/bin inside the main source directory. You may put this on your PATH environment variable in order to utilise SysTest across multiple projects. If you are planning on calling SysTest APIs in your tests, it is also worth putting the main SysTest directory somewhere where it can be utilised by your tests at runtime, or adding it to your ERL_LIBS environment variable. This will also be necessary if you plan on running xref or dialyzer on your test code.

Getting the sources for this tutorial

The source for this tutorial are included in the ./examples/quickstart folder inside the top level systest repository. There is also a sample Makefile which exports a test target that you can run to see everything working as expected.

Writing your first test case

We will consider how to configure and use SysTest via the Erlang/OTP common_test framework. We will be calling SysTest APIs during our tests, and therefore need to modify our ERL_LIBS to consider this. In order for this to work, we will assume that the base SysTest directory (which was cloned or downloaded from github), is present in /usr/local/lib/systest.

By default, SysTest uses the contents of the ./ebin directory to resolve which common test suites should be executed. If you want to have your test beams in another location then you should consult the Configuration Tutorial on setting up a Profile in which you can override this behaviour. For the purposes of this quickstart guide, we will stick to that convention. We also avoid assuming a default build tool, so you should make sure that your chosen build tool outputs the test beams into the correct location.

Setting up test resources

First we start with a set of resource definitions. These describe the two main aspects of our test, the System Under Test (or SUT for short) and the various Processes that it is composed of. Bare in mind that our definition of Process refers to an Operational Process rather than Erlang/OTP's lightweight Processes (i.e., green threads). Our SUT will be an Erlang cluster consisting of two nodes, so we'll need to define the nodes as our Operational Processes first. SysTest looks for resources in ./resources/*.resource by default, so we will create our node definition in ./resource/nodes.resource. Separating the node configuration from the SUT definition is useful if we want to share it across multiple test profiles later on.

%% ./resources/nodes.resource
{sasl_node, [
    {startup, [{handler, systest_slave}]},
    {flags, [{start, "-boot start_sasl +W w +K true +A30 +P 1048576"
                     " -pa ${settings.base_dir}/ebin "
                     "-sasl sasl_error_logger false"}]},
    {apps, [{sasl, [{errlog_type, error}]}]}

It is important that any file system paths are absolute, as common test will change to a temporary directory before running our tests and relative paths will therefore fail to produce the desired effect. This resource definition describes an Erlang node that is started using the slave module from stdlib, and having some additional command line arguments. Note the use of a string expression to evaluate the base_dir (the starting directory in which SysTest is run) from our settings, so that we use an absolute path when setting the code path.

We now wire together two of these Processes to create our SUT. We will put these definitions into a file ./resources/example_1.resource for now.

%% ./resources/example_1.resource
{system_1, [
    {sut, [{localhost, [node1, node2]}]},
    {processes, [{node1, [sasl_node]}, {node2, [sasl_node]}]}

Note that the definitions used in the processes configuration element simply refer to the sasl_node resource, rather than declaring properties themselves. If we planned on writing a test case named 'system_1' then we would be finished at this point, but instead we will wire up the SUT to be used by every test case in our soon to be written test suite.

%% ./resources/example_1.resource
{example_1_SUITE, [{all, system_1}]}.

Writing test cases

Because we've wired all test cases in example_1_SUITE to use the system_1 SUT configuration, we simply need to create a test suite with that name and SysTest will automatically start and stop our cluster for each test case, as well as monitoring each Process to ensure that no unexpected failures occur.

A minimal example looks something like this:

%% file ./test/example_1_SUITE.erl

-import(systest_utils, [make_node/1]).

all() ->

check_that_our_nodes_are_up(_Config) ->
    ?assertEqual(pong, net_adm:ping(make_node('node1'))),
    ?assertEqual(pong, net_adm:ping(make_node('node2'))).

Note that we can safely assume that our nodes survive for the duration of the test case, and are shut down afterwards. Each test case will get a clean set of nodes, freshly stopped and started since the previous test case. To have a SUT and its processes span the entire suite (i.e., have the processes stay online and not restart them between test cases) we would rework the example_1 resource configuration to look like this:

%% ./resources/example_1.resource
{example_1_SUITE, system_1}.

To check that our test cases fail as expected, we can explicitly kill one of our slave nodes without informing SysTest about it, which the testing framework will construe as a failure.

deliberately_kill_node(_Config) ->
    rpc:call(make_node('node1'), init, stop, []),
    %% we need enough time to 'detect' the node is down before the test ends

Do be aware that this test case will fail when it is run. You can delete it from the test suite (or remove the function name from the results of all/0) if you wish to keep it but not let it run.

Handling deliberate shut down and restarts

If the framework assumes a test case has failed whenever a Process (e.g., an Erlang node in our example) ceases unexpectedly, how are we to test situations in which a stop or restart is actually required, for example a cluster failover handling scenario?

SysTest provides an API for explicitly performing such actions without causing test cases to fail. We will stop one node and restart another, and verify the state of both afterwards. In order to interact with our nodes, we must acquire references to them, using a SUT reference to do so. The latter reference can be acquired from the common test config parameter.

stopping_and_restarting_nodes(Config) ->
    %% the active_sut/1 call will fail if there is no SUT configured
    %% for this particular test case
    Sut = systest:get_system_under_test(Config),
    %% we can print out status info to the console like so:
    %% and we can get the process info for the SUT as well
    [{Id1, Ref1},{Id2, Ref2}] = systest:list_processes(Sut)],
    %% let's stop one and wait long enough to ensure it shuts down...
    %% and let's restart the second one!
    {ok, {Id2, NewRef2}} = systest:restart_process(Sut, Ref2),
    %% and our assertions....
    ?assertEqual(pang, net_adm:ping(Id1)),
    ?assertEqual(pong, net_adm:ping(Id2)).

As we can see, the nodes (which are our operating Processes for this SUT) are left in exactly the state we expect them to be in.

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