This project aim to analyse signals output by a SimpleFOC instance. It has a few main design goals:
- keep the amount of new code to add a new signal minimal (both client-side and MCU-side)
- use a C-language parsing library to parse C-headers containing structs to be sent directly on the communication link, whitout having to write more than a single new line of code (client nor MCU-side)
- client:
headers: [..., "MyStruct.h"]
- MCU:
send("MyStructName", myStructInstance);
- client:
- use ressources and bandwitdh efficiently (both client-side and MCU-side)
- use QML as a UI definition language and python as a control language and make the design modular so other users can use it as a library to create their own workbenches (No QWidget, no ui code in python)
- use PySide2/6 instead of PyQt5/6 and benefit from an LGPL license