TODO: project description
This file is for storing ideas that may be added to the project only.
- variable damage on weapons (e.g., 1d10)
- Improved map generation
- scrollable map (i.e., map larger than rendered window)
- items react to nearby spells (e.g., fireball makes a potion explode)
- have function to examine item in inventory
- JSON-ify all the tables (monsters, items, spells, loot drops)
- perhaps ability to see monster weaknesses, attack power, def, etc... depends on # vanquished
- Item weights and maximum carry weight
- hunger and food items
- Simulate noise and monster hearing
- Hidden traps: squeaky board, pit, fall-through to lower level, teleport trap
- add debugging console: spawn item, spawn monster, etc.
- help button that tells all the keybinds
- procgen chests with loot
- different types of damage: various melee (blunt, pierce, slash), fire, ice, etc.
- add monster weaknesses (e.g., damage type)
- armour and weapon propreties that affect crit_chance and crit_mult
- More types of weapons
- More types of armour (maybe separate: chest, helmet, gloves, etc)
- Weapon and armor enchantments
- vampiric weapons, weapon egos in general / rarities
- armor set powers? P3
- add potion: Berserk - 50% more damage for 10 turns
- add potion: Clairvoyance - Lets you see the whole map for 1 turn
- add scroll: Teleport (user-controlled target, must be in explored space)
- maybe: magic proficiency skill, which multiplies damage to all magical effects
- scrolls & potions should initially have generic descriptions (e.g., red potion), and player has to figure out item type based on effects.]
- Banshee:(Do not attack, but if seen, will scream and alert within a given radius)
- Enemy special powers (Ex: speed, strength, invisibility, etc...)
- should we regen health very slowly over time? perhaps a character trait?
- consider additional magic system: mana pool and spells/spellbooks
- shop keepers
- add ability to go back in levels (e.g., when left stash upstairs)
- Wizards
- fully heal on level up!
- expand Look function (around level) to provide more info (incl. HP left on monster, maybe attack power, def)
- add scroll: Blink (and/or general Teleport)
- N/A name:(Fast enemy(2 studs), but is weak and not very strong.)
- add sfx for crit hits
- Higher crit chance for dragon enemy or overall powerful mobs