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Training Notes
Schedules for PART II
- Talk about plan and content next Monday:
- Basics: Mapping, Annotation and QC
- Basics: Expression Matrix
- Basics: Differential Expression and Clustering
- Normalization (talk about a better way of differential expression)
- []Imputation (talk about a better way of clustering)
- []Control Data and Extension: RBP, Motif & Structure
- introduce some shared scripts?
- Talk about sharing
- introduced local data being added —>introduce shared/projects/exRNA/README.md, metatable.tsv, google sheet(readonly links)?
- sharing on github code and github wiki (shared gitbook removed)
- show and explain snakemake —> show links on gitbook
- sharing programming tips
- terminal : grey background, Monaco 18
- Homework: comparing gft generated fasta file and miRbase 22 fasta file ( http://www.mirbase.org/ftp.shtml) :
grep hsa ~/Downloads/hairpin.fa |wc -l
grep -c ">" RNAs_fasta/miRNA.fa
Li Yang:
- Introduce expression terms: RPKM/CPM/...
- Talk about tools and show example of generating expression matrix
- 前三周回顾、打分和重新分组: Persons who is not learning for a program
- 演示机器和目录,cpu, top
- 上传目录
- show github
- write README
- show markdown using shared gitbook
- show PI
- bash
- tips: cd dir; .bashrc; shortcut
- tips: ctrl-z, bg; fg; ctrl-c
- tips: awk
- R
- yum install
- explain vector and matrix in R; show google
- Li Yang present Bash and R
- 评估作业,explain github, gitbook, upload
- 1 junior student in each team presents 1) questions (and how they were solved) and 2) tips — ppt and gitbook — 10 min x4
- SRT项目报名 (3学分)Find 2-3 unders for the real project
- Group Study
- Peer learning
- 3周后测评 3-6 名同学不再继续
- 最终评定 —》奖品 (team + person)
- email 选拔
Thank you for interesting in this training course. Please note that this training program will be very intensive. Because we don't have enough resource for all the students, I would need you to input your information in this page first: https://www.icloud.com/numbers/02h27Hq_v76TfHY7USYu4seCg#Bioinfo_Training_Class I will inform you soon if we are able to include you. If you are not included this time, you can always take my course, Introduction to Bioinformatics, next semester.
- email 提醒预习内容
太好了,欢迎你的加入! 请做好第一节课(周四下午4-6点,生物技术馆一层2-105)的预习:https://lulab.gitbooks.io/bioinfo-training/content/chapter1.html 请带上自己的笔记本,如果是linux系统就直接用;如果是mac或者windows可以事先安装好docker并下载一个linux镜像: https://ygxing.gitbooks.io/docker/content/ (如果没有笔记本,第一节课的时候跟我说一声,给你配置一台。)
- 调研技能水平,预备分组,鼓励预先自由分组:
欢迎大家参加本周四开始的生物信息训练课。 该课程需要大家以小组形式课后练习和讨论,一共分成两个大组,四个小组, 认识的同学先自己找组队一下,周四我在考虑大家意愿的前提下,合理安排每个小组不同年级、不同技能水平的分布。 请大家填一下各自的编程技能水平和年级:https://www.icloud.com/numbers/0w8lKCM1TCgyuLhkk9NykvMrg#Bioinfo_Training_2018