Copyright 2012-2023 Luiko Czub, Smallcases Software GmbH License Apache License 2.0
Provides Robot Framework keywords for automated testing Smallworld Magik images (4.x) and sessions (5.x). It includes also a Robot library and Python scripts to start and stop Magik images (4.x) / sessions (5.x) with a remote_cli.
- each production image / session based on a swaf can be tested without loading additional modification code
- Robot Framework keyword-driven testing approach allows to hide complex Magik requests in readable keywords
- supports Smallworld 4.1/4.3 images and Smallworld 5.1/5.2/5.3 sessions
- supports loading, running and evaluating OpenSmallworld MUnit tests
- it is possible to handle several images / sessions during one test run, for example to test their interaction
- in combination with deprecated Standalone JAR distribution tests can run in a pure Java environment without a separate python installation. (DEPRECATED)
- in combination with Robot Framework Standard Test Libraries like XML / OperatingSystem or External Test Libraries like Selenium2Library / Database Library / HTTP library allows to test the interaction with external systems
- the communication via telnet allows to test images / sessions running in a different network
Robot Framework Magik can also be used as a remote control for Magik images (4.x) and sessions (5.x)
The Robot Magik keywords robot_magik_base.robot uses the TelnetLibrary sending commands to Magik images / sessions and read their response. Precondition is, that Magik image / session under test has started a remote_cli to allow a telnet communication.
- Keyword Documentation robot_magik_base explains, how to start a remote_cli manually and which keywords exists
- Use library to start an image / session directly inside the robot tests (for example as suite setup )
- or use the Python script to start an image / session with a remote_cli from outside the robot test
The Robot Magik keywords robot_magik_munit.robot defines additional keywords for loading, running and evaluating OpenSmallworld MUnit tests.
The Robot Magik keywords robot_magik_dsview.robot defines additional keywords for testing Smallworld ds_views, ds_collections and rwo_records.
The Robot Magik library defines keyword to start and stop Magik images (SW4.x) or sessions (SW5.x) directly inside a robot test suite via the gis.exe launcher program on Windows
- see Keyword Documentation RobotMagikLauncher.
- uses the ProcessLibrary for handling the image / session process
The Python script starts Magik images (SW4.x) or sessions (SW5.x) outside a robot test run via the gis.exe launcher program on Windows
- starts a remote_cli inside this image
- stores the process id in a Pid-File
The Python script
- reads the Pid-File and stops the Smallworld Magik image by sending a kill signal to the process
A Python 3.11 environment is recommended with Robot Framework Version 6.0.2/6.1 .
good practice is to use a separate virtualenv:
py -3.11 -m venv D:\pyenv\robot D:\pyenv\robot\scripts\activate pip install --no-cache-dir robotframework~=6.0
download current master as zip or latest releases and extract it (for example to D:\robotframework-magik). Now you are able to start the example test via:
D:\pyenv\robot\scripts\activate cd D:\robotframework-magik robot --variablefile resources\params\ examples
Alternative installations see RobotFramework UserGuide Installation . Or install required packages using sample requirements.txt included in RFM download:
py -3.11 -m venv my_robot_venv my_robot_venv\scripts\activate python -m pip install --upgrade pip python -m pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt
see CHANGES.rst
- resources/
- Definition of Robot Framework Magik keywords
- resources/scripts/
- Python and Magik scripts to start and stop an image / session with a remote_cli
- resources/params/
- sample RF variable files defining different SW environment configs
- doc/
- Documentation for Robot Framework Magik keywords
- tests/
- self-testig suites for Robot Framework Magik keywords, library and scripts
- examples/
- Examples, how Robot Framework Magik keywords could be used for automated testing Smallworld Magik images / sessions
The library (and also the Python script implements two different start mechanism for closed and startup images.
- for closed images, the environment variable SW_MSF_STARTUP_MAGIK is used to load the Magik script start_robot_remote_cli.magik, which starts a remote_cli.
- for startup images, the gis launcher command line option -run_script is used to load the script start_robot_remote_cli.script, which adds a startup_procedure to start the remote_cli as last startup action.
- Cause Smallworld 5.x does not support the gis launcher command line option -run_script, Smallworld 5.x sessions must be started using the environment variable SW_MSF_STARTUP_MAGIK
The following examples explains, how the start, test and stop of an image works.
- Adjust variable file for your SW4.x image to test
- Adjust variable file variables_sw5x_cbg.py_ for your SW5.x session to test
- Test should start the image / session , run and check a calculation and stop the image / session
robot --variablefile resources/params/ examples
robot --variablefile resources/params/ examples
- Alias swaf is defined in the products gis_alias file
- current working directory is robotframework-magik
python resources\scripts\ --msf_startup e:\Smallworld\CST43\product swaf
- The swaf image is running with a remote_cli, listening on port 14001.
- The gis buffer log-file swaf-mmdd-hhmm-PID.log and pid-file are written to the users temp directory.
robot --exclude DsView* examples\c*
- run all Non DsView example tests - see [TAGS] label inside the test definition files
- The Robot Framework test reports are written into the current working directory.
python resources\scripts\
- The image is closed and the pid-file is deleted.
- Alias cam_db_open_swaf is defined in a separate gis_alias file
- current working directory is robotframework-magik
python resources\scripts\ --msf_startup --java_home e:\tools\jre --aliasfile e:\test\gis_aliases --piddir e:\tmp\robot\pids --logdir e:\tmp\robot\logs --login root/ --cli_port 14003 --wait 10 e:\Smallworld\CST51\product cam_db_open_swaf
- Now the cam_db_open_swaf image is running with a remote_cli, listening on port 14003 under user root.
- The gis buffer log-file cam_db_open_swaf image-mmdd-hhmm-PID.log is written to e:\tmp\robot\logs.
- The pid-file is written to e:\tmp\robot\pids
- The start process has wait 10 seconds for checking the telnet connection.
- starting a SW5.x session requires to define a --java_home and --msf_startup
- definition --java_home can be replace with defining --env_file ENV_FILE, when ENV_FILE includes a JAVA_HOME defintion or when JAVA_HOME is defined globaly
robot --include Keyword* --include Example* --variable CLI_PORT:14003 --outputdir e:\tmp\robot\logs --xunit cbg_tests.xml .\tests .\examples\c*
- The Robot Framework test reports are written into e:\tmp\robot\logs
- Additional XUnit test report cbg_tests.xml is written, which can be used as input for tools that process XUnit data (like CI Server Jenkins).
- Only tests with Keyword and Example tags are run.
python resources\scripts\ --piddir e:\tmp\robot\pids --cli_port 14003
The image is closed and the pid-file is deleted.
With last RF 4.1.2 Standalone JAR distribution no robot installation is required, just one java call and robotframework-4.1.2.jar:
java -jar robotframework-4.1.2.jar --critical DsView* --variablefile resources\params\ examples