- Enh #24: Support SW531 and still with SW411
- tested with SW releases NRM 5.3.1, NRM, CST, NRM, CST 411 TSB120
- Enh #26: Support RF 6.0 and PY 3.11
- tested with RF 6.0.2/6.1 and PY 3.11.3. Other combinations like RF 5.0.1 or PY 3.10 might work
- Running RFM using RF Standalone JAR distribution has become deprecated, cause since RF 5.x Jython is not supported
- Also RF 4.1 support becomes deprecated, but RFM still works with robotframework-4.1.2.jar, the last RF release supporting Jython and Java
- Enh #36: Cleanup Pipfile dependencies
- pipenv pipfile installation sample replaced with venv pip requirements file
- Fix #25: robot_magik_munit ignores specific max_run_wait values
Enh #29: Support additional gis args
- Library RobotMagikLaunch and Python script robot_start_magik_image.py are extend with new argument gis_args
- allows to define additional args like
-cli -login uname/pw
beside the ones defined in ALIAS
Enh #23: Support running OpenSmallworld MUnit tests
adds in robot_magik_base:
- new keywords: Load Magik File, Load Magik Module
- new variable ${MAGIK_MAX_LOAD_WAIT} to define max wait time for prompt, when loading magik code (file or module)
- new variable ${MAGIK_LOAD_ERROR_REGEXP} to define regular expression to search for load errors like
**** Fehler:
or**** Error:
new robot_magik_munit keyword resource file:
- main keywords:
- Prepare MUnit, Run MUnit Testsuite Logging to File, Load Module with MUnit Tests and Start Test Runner
- Evaluate MUnit Text Log, Evaluate MUnit XML Log
- main variables
- ${ROBOT_MUNIT_LOADFILE} to define magik file loading munit base modules and other required base test code. modules with tests should be loaded separately
- ${ROBOT_MUNIT_MAX_LOAD_WAIT} to define max wait time for prompt, when loading munit code (files or modules)
- ${ROBOT_MUNIT_MAX_RUN_WAIT} to define max wait time for prompt, when running a munit test suite
Ant Build configuration added
- main targets robot_run, update_keywords_doc, make_release, test_release, test_examples
additional robot_magik_base changes
- new variable ${MAGIK_PROMPT_REGEXP} to customized Magik prompt search
- new keyword Get Smallworld Version
- documenation updated for keywords Build Magik Object Expresssion, Store Magik Object and Get Magik Object and customisation
- Enh #22: Support nested aliases
- Library RobotMagikLaunch and Python script robot_start_magik_image.py are extend with new argument nested_aliases
- if defined, Magik image is started without setting the argument
-l logfile
- Documentation references now also SW41 as supported
- Support Robot Standalone JAR Distribution
- changes #19 and #20 allow to run Robot Framework Magik tests in a pure jave envrionment using the Robot Standalone JAR Distribution
- a separate Python installation is not required
- tested with robotframework-3.1.2.jar
- Enh #19: Support Robot Framework 3.1 and Python 3.7
- Robot Framework Magik keywords are now compatible with Robot Framework Version 3.1.1
- Library RobotMagikLaunch and Python script robot_start_magik_image.py are now compatible with Python 3.7
- resource and test filename extension changed from .txt to .robot
- Enh #20: session start with special java environment
- Library RobotMagikLaunch and Python script robot_start_magik_image.py are extend with new argument java_home
- if defined, environment variable JAVA_HOME is set (or overwritten) for the process
- required to start sw5x sessions or testing java acp with a specific java
- Enh #21: SW 5.2 sample configuration added
Enh #18: session start with special environment.bat files
- Library RobotMagikLaunch and Python script robot_start_magik_image.py are extend with new argument envfile
- if defined, environment variable SW_GIS_ENVIRONMENT_FILE is defined and gis.exe is call with param -e
Enh #17: variablefiles for example and self tests
- varibles for example and robot magik own test runs can no be defined in variablefiles
- new directory resources/params includes templates for different gis and session definitions
Enh #16: Robot library RobotMagikLaunch to start and stop Magik image / session
- New Library resources/RobotMagikLaunch defines keyword to start, stop and handle several Magik images / sessions
- library RobotMagikLaunch uses the Robot Framework library Process for handling the image / session process
- Python script robot_start_magik_image.py and library RobotMagikLaunch uses new Python class MagikSession for handling imagee / sessions
- script directory with Python and Magik start stop scripts are moved to resources/scripts
Bug #12: Close Magik Connection does not call exit() anymore
Keyword Close Magik Connection has called exit() before closing the connecting. This was not correct, cause exit() is only known inside the SW GIS internal cli client. Under GIS 4.0, this failure has no negativ effect. But under GIS 5.0, the remote_cli tries to write a traceback to the closed streams. This create than an endless traceback loop.
Enh #13: prompt search works now with MagikSF> and Magik>
- future SW GIS 5.x releases maybe uses a Magik> instead MagikSF> prompt
Enh #15: internal tests for start stop scripts
- new robot suite tests/scripts/robot_magik_script_tests.txt
- new python helper scripts dummy_gis_launcher.py and dummy_remote_cli.py
Enh #14: robot_start_remote_cli except know unconventional localhost IP addresses matching *.
- Enh #11: remote_cli connection uses now a specific text encoding
- default setting ISO-8859-1 can be changed via parameter CLI_ENCODING
- Fix #9: keyword 'Execute Magik Command' has problems with strings, including 'n', 't' or 'f' substrings
- Add #10: new keyword 'Get Magik Environment Variable'
new dsview keywords and improved base keywords