A collection of technical microblogs in Norwegian. Previously known as OLORM.
term | definition | Deprecated? |
cohort | a microblogging collective | |
doc | a microblog entry | |
mikrobloggeriet | a collection of microblogs | |
olorm | a CLI for microblogging | |
olorm | a collection of microblogs | Deprecated. |
olorm | Oddmund, Lars and Richard's microblog collective | |
jals | Jørgen, Adrian, Lars and Sindre's microblog collective | |
jals | a CLI for microblogging |
Note: the "olorm" term is now ambiguous. It used to be the name of the whole, now it's only a part of the whole. But Cool URIs don't change, and I don't want to break existing links. So we keep the repo name for now. All old URIs will continue to work.
Skal du bruke et kommandolinjeprogram for å skrive på Mikrobloggeriet? Da må du først:
På mac kan du gjøre noe sånt:
brew install borkdude/brew/babashka
brew install babashka/brew/bbin
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin' >> ~/.zshrc
Gå til katalogen der du har klonet dette repoet.
Installer programmet
:bbin install ./cli --as olorm --main-opts '["-m" "mikrobloggeriet.olorm-cli"]'
Bruk subkommandoen
olorm set-repo-path
til å peke til der du har klonet repoet. Kjørolorm set-repo-path -h
for å se hjelpetekst for subkommadoen.
Gå til katalogen der du har klonet dette repoet.
Installer programmet
:bbin install ./cli --as jals --main-opts '["-m" "mikrobloggeriet.jals-cli"]'
Bruk subkommandoen
jals set-repo-path
til å peke til der du har klonet repoet. Kjørjals set-repo-path -h
for å se hjelpetekst for subkommadoen.