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This repository has been archived by the owner on Aug 7, 2023. It is now read-only.

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79 lines (54 loc) · 2.73 KB

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79 lines (54 loc) · 2.73 KB



A collection of technical microblogs in Norwegian. Previously known as OLORM.


term definition Deprecated?
cohort a microblogging collective
doc a microblog entry
mikrobloggeriet a collection of microblogs
olorm a CLI for microblogging
olorm a collection of microblogs Deprecated.
olorm Oddmund, Lars and Richard's microblog collective
jals Jørgen, Adrian, Lars and Sindre's microblog collective
jals a CLI for microblogging

Note: the "olorm" term is now ambiguous. It used to be the name of the whole, now it's only a part of the whole. But Cool URIs don't change, and I don't want to break existing links. So we keep the repo name for now. All old URIs will continue to work.

Oppsett før installasjon av kommandolinjeprogram

Skal du bruke et kommandolinjeprogram for å skrive på Mikrobloggeriet? Da må du først:

  1. Klone ned dette repoet
  2. Installere babashka og bbin.
  3. Legge til ~/.local/binPATH

På mac kan du gjøre noe sånt:

brew install borkdude/brew/babashka
brew install babashka/brew/bbin
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin' >> ~/.zshrc

Installér kommandolinjeprogram for å skrive OLORM-er


  1. Gå til katalogen der du har klonet dette repoet.

  2. Installer programmet olorm:

    bbin install ./cli --as olorm --main-opts '["-m" "mikrobloggeriet.olorm-cli"]'
  3. Bruk subkommandoen olorm set-repo-path til å peke til der du har klonet repoet. Kjør olorm set-repo-path -h for å se hjelpetekst for subkommadoen.

Installér kommandolinjeprogram for å skrive JALS-er


  1. Gå til katalogen der du har klonet dette repoet.

  2. Installer programmet jals:

    bbin install ./cli --as jals --main-opts '["-m" "mikrobloggeriet.jals-cli"]'
  3. Bruk subkommandoen jals set-repo-path til å peke til der du har klonet repoet. Kjør jals set-repo-path -h for å se hjelpetekst for subkommadoen.