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David Brainard edited this page Aug 19, 2017 · 4 revisions

Required software

This project uses ToolboxToolbox to manage dependencies. Please refer to the ToolboxToolbox repository for installation instructions. Be sure to follow the steps to properly set up your environment to make use of the project feature of ToolboxToolbox.


Clone this repository into the designated ToolboxToolbox project directory on your system. Run tbUseProject('BLIlluminationDiscriminationCalcs'). This will create a BLIlluminationDiscriminationCalcsLocalHook.m file in your ToolboxToolbox localHookFolder. Modify this local hook file contained to match your system by changing the sharedRootDir variable, which is set in a block of code around line 60. This variable refers to where the image and scene data as well as model calculation outputs should be stored. It defaults to a folder called output within your Matlab userpath, which might be fine. Then rerun tbUseProject('BLIlluminationDiscriminationCalcs') so that your edited copy of the local hook takes effect.

File Directory Setup

Prior to any calculations, please run the setUpDirectories function. This makes sure that the directory structure within the directory to which sharedRootDir points is set up appropriately for this project. This only needs to be run once unless you accidentally or purposefully alter the local file structure in the directory that contains these files. Now that you've run tbUseProject as above, this function will be on your Matlab path.