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0. UI Elements

isathar edited this page Mar 14, 2015 · 7 revisions

Main Panel

  • The editor's UI is divided into four panels that are toggled by clicking their label buttons:
  • Create: Settings for creating new vector fields.
  • Edit: Methods to calculcate and store velocities on an existing vector field.
  • Display: Show velocities as 3D lines.
  • Tools: Currently only contains the Curve Path tool.

Update Data

  • Use when selecting a different vector field in the same scene to sync up the editor's variables to the object's.


Create New


  • The number of velocities stored in the vector field (by axis)


  • Size multiplier
  • Distance between particles in the vector field

No Gravity

  • Disable gravity's influence on the particles in the volume on creation.
  • To do this after the volume has been created, change the gravity Field Weight in the object's Particle Properties to 0.0


  • Create a new vector field object from the provided values



Velocity Type

Blend Method

Selected Only

  • Only store/blend velocities for selected points

Invert Next

  • Invert the current velocities in the calculation


  • Calculate and save current velocities using above methods


  • Normalize stored velocities

Invert All

  • Invert stored velocities




  • Show the volume's currently stored velocities as 3D lines

Update Offsets

  • Update the displayed lines' starting points with the volume's location offset



Curve Path

Adds wind forces along a line to make influenced particles flow along it

  • Create and select a curve to enable this tool's options


  • The amount of force applied by the wind force fields

Max Distance

  • The maximum distance from the line in which particles can be influenced by it

Falloff Power

  • Controls the distance at which the forces' influence fades out in


  • Decreases the strength and influence of the wind forces from point to point along the line




Found in the standard Import/Export menus, labeled as UE4 Vector Field (.fga)


Export Options:

Export Scale

  • Multiplier for the size of the exported volume
  • Actual scale on export = (Export Scale) * (Resolution) * 0.5 cm

Scale Velocity

  • Apply Export Scale to velocities

Export Offset

  • Apply the volume's location offset to the exported file's bounds

Manual Bounds

  • Allow setting the min/max bounds that will be exported directly
  • This will remove the first three options and replace them with the following:

Minimum / Maximum Bounds

  • Values for the exported vector field's bounding volume

Velocity Scale

  • Multiplier for the exported velocities


Import Options:

Import Scale

  • Multiplier for the size of the imported volume

Scale Velocity

  • Apply Import Scale to the imported volume

Import Offset

  • Add location offset from the file to the imported volume


Next Page - Using Forces to Influence Vector Fields