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Anthony Headley edited this page May 4, 2020 · 1 revision

UserProfile Data Object


This object represents the data for the selected UserProfile.

This may not be an extensive list of properties.

The property name can be refered as follows: Function(x).Name

  • Function(x)["Name"]

If the property name starts with a digit, contains a space or is a reserved word you must use the ["Property"] syntax. See Section 2.1 of the Lua manual for more information


Name Type Description
:Parent() UserProfiles
:GetClass() string "UserProfile"
Lock string
Name string "UserProfile"
DMXReadout string (int or string) Returns a string, can send a string or int, 0 = "Hex8", 1 = "Hex16", 2 = "Hex24", 3 = "Dec8", 4 = "Dec16", 5 = "Dec24", 6 = "Percent".
NormalValue number 24 bit number
ValueReadout string (intor string) Returns a string, can send a string or int, 0 = "Hex8", 1 = "Hex16", 2 = "Hex24", 3 = "Dec8", 4 = "Dec16", 5 = "Dec24", 6 = "Percent".
SpeedReadout string (int or string) 0 = "Hertz", 1 = "BMP", 2 = "Seconds"
PresetReadout string (int or string) 0 = "Preset", 1 = "Value", 2 = "Both"
WheelResolution string (int or string) 0 = "Corse", 1 = "Normal", 2 = "Fine"
WheelMode string (int or string) 0 = "Additive", 1 = "Incremental", 2 = "Prop.+", 3 = "Prop.-"
PerciseEdit boolean ⚠ Returns Nil, can't set, seems broken in
SingleStep boolean (int or string) 0 = "No", 1 = "Yes"
Sync boolean (int or string) 0 = "No", 1 = "Yes"
Preview boolean (int or string) 0 = "No", 1 = "Yes"
ScreenEncoder boolean (int or string) 0 = "No", 1 = "Yes"
TimeKeyTarget boolean (int or string) 0 = false = "Cue"; 1 = true = "Fixture" ;
ProgPart ProgPart
TCSlot number Must be a number between 1 and 8
OverlayFade number Must be a number between 0 and 1000


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[5] WindowTypes
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[8] ExecFixation
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[11] TemporaryWindowSettings
[12] StepCreator
[13] SmartViewPool
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