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LSP Rewrite Step 2: refactor for @graphql-tools #437

LSP Rewrite Step 2: refactor for @graphql-tools

LSP Rewrite Step 2: refactor for @graphql-tools #437

Triggered via pull request March 17, 2024 09:45
Status Failure
Total duration 2m 32s


on: pull_request
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11 errors and 6 warnings
Build: packages/graphql-language-service-server/src/parseDocument.ts#L13
'parse' is declared but its value is never read.
Build: packages/graphql-language-service-server/src/GraphQLCache.ts#L636
Property '[Symbol.toStringTag]' is missing in type '{ body: string; locationOffset: Location; name: string; }' but required in type 'Source'.
Build: packages/graphql-language-service-server/src/GraphQLCache.ts#L641
Type '{ line: number; column: number; }' is missing the following properties from type 'Token': kind, start, end, value, and 4 more.
Build: packages/graphql-language-service-server/src/GraphQLCache.ts#L645
Type '{ line: number; column: number; }' is missing the following properties from type 'Token': kind, start, end, value, and 4 more.
Build: packages/graphql-language-service-server/src/GraphQLCache.ts#L862
Type 'CachedContent | { ast: DocumentNode; documentString: string; range: Range | null; }' is not assignable to type 'CachedContent'.
Build: packages/graphql-language-service-server/src/GraphQLCache.ts#L866
Type 'Range | null' is not assignable to type 'IRange | undefined'.
Build: packages/graphql-language-service-server/src/GraphQLCache.ts#L892
Type 'Range | null' is not assignable to type 'IRange | undefined'.
Build: packages/graphql-language-service-server/src/GraphQLCache.ts#L1006
Argument of type '({ ast: DocumentNode | undefined; documentString: string; range: IRange | null; } | { ast: null; documentString: string; range: IRange | null; })[]' is not assignable to parameter of type 'CachedContent[]'.
Build: packages/graphql-language-service-server/src/GraphQLCache.ts#L1008
Argument of type '({ ast: DocumentNode | undefined; documentString: string; range: IRange | null; } | { ast: null; documentString: string; range: IRange | null; })[]' is not assignable to parameter of type 'CachedContent[]'.
Build: packages/graphql-language-service-server/src/GraphQLCache.ts#L1025
Argument of type '{ filePath: string | undefined; uri: string | undefined; fsPath: string | undefined; content: string; definition: ScalarTypeDefinitionNode | ObjectTypeDefinitionNode | InterfaceTypeDefinitionNode | UnionTypeDefinitionNode | EnumTypeDefinitionNode | InputObjectTypeDefinitionNode; }' is not assignable to parameter of type 'ObjectTypeInfo'.
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