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Homework Part 2 ‐ Textual Modeling

Ármin Zavada edited this page Nov 4, 2024 · 5 revisions


The goal of this homework is to create our first textual modeling framework. In this task we will provide a formal grammar for complex Cyber–physical systems, which enables us to model a smart home (as in the previous homework).

Development environment

For the development of the grammar, we will use the Langium framework. For the development, we can use the online editor as well (available here). The initial project is available here: . To start the homework, copy the branch to your repository or clone your repository and execute the following commands inside it:

git remote add ase-labs
git fetch ase-labs
git switch hw2-starter
git push -u origin

During this task, we need to do two things:

The initial version of the hw-2.langium contains a minimal version of the homework, and we can modify this file freely.


During this task, we will create our modeling language for smart home environments. The initial version of the hw-2.langium should be able to parse a simple version of our models, like this:

repository {
// there will be a section for different softwares
market {
// there will be a section for different computers
cps SmartHome {
    // This will be a simplified specification for our smart home 

Task 1. Simple grammar: Computer specification.

In this task, we will create a grammar for specifying different kind of computers in our network. Each computer is specified in the following way:

  • First, we start with the keyword computer.
  • Then we will continue with a name (like RaspBerr5M2G).
  • Then we need to specify the performance of the processor with the processor keyword and the frequency in GHz (e.g., 2.6 GHz).
  • Optionally, we can specify the number of cores (like 4 cores).
  • Then we need to specify the memory of the computers with the memory keyword followed by the memory capacity defined in integer GB (e.g., 2 GB).
  • Each computer specification is closed by a semicolon (;).

Each specification can contain an arbitrary number of computers. Therefore, we should be able to parse the following document:

repository {

market {
    computer RaspBerr5M2G processor 2.4 GHz 4 cores memory 2 GB;
    computer RaspBerr5M4G processor 2.4 GHz 4 cores memory 4 GB;
    computer RaspBerr5M8G processor 2.4 GHz 4 cores memory 8 GB;
    computer PersonalComputer processor 3.6 GHz memory 32 GB;
cps SmartHome {


Task 2. Cross-references: software repository.

Next, we will create the grammar for different software.

  • Each software start with the keyword software.
  • Then comes the name of the software (like RaspberryOS).
  • Then optionally we can specify a number of dependencies with the depends and on keywords, then referring to the name of the other software. For eample, depends on BasicSensorDriverPack RaspberryOS means that a software is depending on both BasicSensorDriverPack and RaspberryOS. If we write depends on in a software, we need to specify at least a sinlge dependency.
  • Then optionally again, we can specify the memory requirements with the requires and memory keywords, followed by the memory requirement measurement in GB (like 1 GB).
  • We finish all specification with a semicolon (;).

Each specification can contain an arbitrary number of software. Therefore, we should be able to parse the following document:

repository {
    software RaspberryOS requires memory 1 GB;
    software BasicSensorDriverPack depends on RaspberryOS;
    software RabbitMQApp depends on BasicSensorDriverPack RaspberryOS;
    software FedoraWorkstation requires memory 4 GB;
    software OpenControlPanel depends on FedoraWorkstation;
market {
    computer RaspBerr5M2G processor 2.4 GHz 4 cores memory 2 GB;
    computer RaspBerr5M4G processor 2.4 GHz 4 cores memory 4 GB;
    computer RaspBerr5M8G processor 2.4 GHz 4 cores memory 8 GB;
    computer PersonalComputer processor 3.6 GHz memory 32 GB;
cps SmartHome {

Task 3. Complex control structures: CPS network.

With the computer and software repository, we can specify our CPS:

  • Each cps starts with the keyword cps.
  • Then a name.
  • Then a network specification inside curly brackets { }.

The *network is specified with computers and connections (in any order).

A computer is specified in the following way:

  • First, we start with the keyword computer.
  • Then we need to refer to a computer type previously specified in the repository section.
  • Then we need to name our computer.
  • Then we can list the content of the computer within curly brackets { }. In this grammar, we support two kinds of content (in any order)
    • We can add instructions to install a hardware with the add keyword, which can be "Thermometer", "HeatController", "SmokeDetector", or "FireAlarm" (like add Thermometer).
    • Amd we can add instructions to install a software from the marketplace with the install keyword (like install RaspberryOS).

Additionally, the network can contain connections which are specified with the -o)- operators between the name of two computers (like termometer1 -o)- heatController). The order of the connection and computer specification is arbitrary.

Therefore, we should be able to write documents in our language like this:

repository {
    software RaspberryOS requires memory 1 GB;
    software BasicSensorDriverPack depends on RaspberryOS;
    software RabbitMQApp depends on BasicSensorDriverPack RaspberryOS;
    software FedoraWorkstation requires memory 4 GB;
    software OpenControlPanel depends on FedoraWorkstation;
market {
    computer RaspBerr5M2G processor 2.4 GHz 4 cores memory 2 GB;
    computer RaspBerr5M4G processor 2.4 GHz 4 cores memory 4 GB;
    computer RaspBerr5M8G processor 2.4 GHz 4 cores memory 8 GB;
    computer PersonalComputer processor 3.6 GHz memory 32 GB;
cps SmartHome {
    computer RaspBerr5M2G termometer1 {
        add Thermometer
        install RaspberryOS
        install BasicSensorDriverPack
    computer RaspBerr5M2G termometer2 {
        add Thermometer
        install RaspberryOS
        install BasicSensorDriverPack
    computer RaspBerr5M2G heatController {
        install RaspberryOS
        install BasicSensorDriverPack
        add HeatController
    termometer1 -o)- heatController
    termometer2 -o)- heatController

    computer RaspBerr5M2G smokeDetector {
        add SmokeDetector
        add FireAlarm
        install RaspberryOS
        install BasicSensorDriverPack

    smokeDetector -o)- smokeDetector

Task 4. Creative task.

Please extend the grammar with at least 2 extra keywords! The grammar should accept all of the previous documents!

Background materials