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Post processing

nabajour edited this page Nov 25, 2020 · 1 revision

After a simulation run, it's possible to run some post-processing step to generate additional datasets with different settings, using the helper script in the main THOR repository in THOR/tools on an output folder. This script finds the last configuration and last output file in the output folder, copies the configuration files, overrides the variables asked to be overridden, and runs THOR again with those settings, continuing from the last output. It's output goes into a sub folder, and the grid and planet files are copied to that folder, so that plotting scripts can find their data.

THOR $ python tools/ --help             
usage: [-h] [-f POSTFIX] [-H] [--hiresfiles HIRESFILES]                                             
                              [-o] [-b] [-p] [-n NUMSTEP] [-c NUMCOL]

execute THOR and alfrodull postprocessing step

positional arguments:
  data_folder           folder to look for data

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f POSTFIX, --postfix POSTFIX
                        postfix to append to output dir
  -H, --hires           use hires spectrum
  --hiresfiles HIRESFILES
                        pathes to files used for hires spectrum, separated by
  -o, --opacities       output g0 and w0
  -b, --beam            output directional beam spectrum
  -p, --noplanck        set planck function to zero
  -n NUMSTEP, --numstep NUMSTEP
                        number of postprocessing steps to run
  -c NUMCOL, --numcol NUMCOL
                        number of parallel columns to run    

It can create:

  • simulations higher resolution spectrum with the -H flag, using the default input files for hires, or use other files specifies with --hiresfiles "opacityfile,spectrumfile,cloudsfile", e.g. `--hiresfiles "./Alfrodull/input/wasp43b/opac_sample_SI_r500.h5,./Alfrodull/input/stellar_spectrum_wasp43_r500.h5,./Alfrodull/input/clouds_enstatite_r500.h5"
  • add g0 and w0 tables to the output with -o, that are usually not included for space reasons.
  • add directional beam per column, layer and wavelength with -b
  • turn Planck function to zero in equations with -p

It needs a folder data_folder to know on what folder it needs to run.

Additional optional parameters:

  • the number of additional steps to run with -n.
  • the post-fix for the output. Output goes to result_postprocessing_POSTFIX folder in the data folder it's running on.
  • the number of columns to run in parallel with -c. As the post-processing options enable options that use more memory, it is often necessary to lower the number of of columns the simulation runs on in parallel to be able to fit in memory.

All the options that are settable with this script can also be set manually in the configuration file.

Running on slurm

The slurm helper script, can also launch post-processing steps on a cluster managed by slurm.

For example, to run only post-processing, with job name thor_postproc, point it to the output folder ../thor-data/wasp43b/, and run it with 0 THOR jobs and a dummy THOR config name, as the post-processing will find it's config. Use the --pp option with the list of post-processing options for each post-processing to run. Here it runs two post-processing runs, adding all the output data wanted and turning of the Planck function for one of the outputs.

THOR $ python3 tools/ -jn thor_postproc -n 0 -o ../thor-data/wasp43b/ dummy.thr --pp " -b -o -H -c 20 -n 5 -f dump_hires" --pp " -p -b -o -H -c 20 -n 5 -f noplank_hires"  

use a real config and non null job numbers to run it after a simulation run.

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