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Datasets added to output

nabajour edited this page Oct 29, 2020 · 5 revisions

Alfrodull specific datasets

Alfrodull adds some datasets to the output HDF5 files:

  • Alf_Qheat : Qheat from Alf.
  • F_dir_tot: total upward flux.
  • F_down_tot: total downward flux.
  • F_up_tot: total upward flux.
  • F_net: total net flux.
  • F_up_TOA_spectrum: upward flux at top of atmosphere per wavelength bin.
  • alf_spectrum: incoming stellar spectrum before angular computation (dimensions: one value per wavelength bin).
  • cos_zenith_angles: cos zenith angle per column.
  • dgrt_qheat_scaling: scaling applied to DG Qheat (increases and decreases between 0 and 1 during spin-up/spin-down). (not directly from Alf)
  • g0_band: optional, g0 asymmetry per band.
  • lambda_deltawave: wavelength bins width
  • lambda_interwave: wavelength bins interface
  • lambda_wave: wavelength bins centers
  • qheat_scaling: scaling applied to Alf Qheat (increases and decreases between 0 and 1 during spin-up/spin-down).
  • w0_band: optional, ω0 single scattering albedo per band

Optional values per wavelength.

Values per wavelength are usually not stored for disk space conservation reason. As they add one dimension to all output arrays, the output gets prohibitively large. We do store total net, upward, downward, directional fluxes per cell (over all wavelength).

Some values ( currently g0 and ω0 ) can be stored by setting the Alf_store_w0_g0 config option to true.

This is usually not done during the simulation run, but just enabled before running one additional step at end of simulation.

The upward flux at top of atmosphere per wavelength is always stored, as they are of general interest.

Getting ALL values in text files.

If all the values (also those of intermediate calculations) are needed, per column and per wavelength, there is a debug switch that requires recompilation. This will dump everything to text files, per column. But this is rather slow and takes up a horrendous amount of space.