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PHP Cody Tutorial Exercise I
In the tutorial preparation we've set up folder structure, exercises, InspectIO tutorial board and Cody. Your folder structure should look like this:
|__ cody-bot
|__ exercises
The Cody Server should be running and listen on http://localhost:3311
cd cody-tutorial/cody-bot
docker-compose ps
Name Command State Ports
iio_iio-ic-react-http_1 docker-php-entrypoint vend ... Up>8080/tcp
Note: Use dev.sh
to start Cody. After that you can use docker-compose commands to stop, start again, inspect logs, etc. A file watcher restarts the server on changes. If something does not work as expected try to restart the server manually and take a look at the logs: docker-compose stop && docker-compose up -d && docker-compose logs -f
Navigate to the tutorial project in a second console cd cody-tutorial/exercises
and run the first exercise using docker-compose run --rm composer exercise1
Of course the test case is failing. it is looking for a Command called AddBuilding and that's the first class we want to generate from an InspectIO event map. You might have noticed the commented hooks in codyconfig.php
. What we need is a CommandHook
, so let's create one!
# current dir: cody-tutorial/cody-bot
# Create a Hook folder
mkdir src/Hook
# Create CommandHook.php
touch src/Hook/CommandHook.php
Open src/Hook/CommandHook.php
in your favorite editor and copy this content into it:
namespace EventEngine\InspectioCody\Hook;
use EventEngine\InspectioCody\Board\BaseHook;
use EventEngine\InspectioCody\Http\Message\CodyResponse;
use EventEngine\InspectioCody\Http\Message\Response;
use EventEngine\InspectioGraphCody\Node;
use stdClass;
final class CommandHook extends BaseHook //BaseHook provides some helper methods like writeFile()
* @param Node $command Information about Command sticky received from InspectIO event map
* @param stdClass $context Context object populated in codyconfig.php
* @return CodyResponse Response sent back to InspectIO, shown in Cody Console
public function __invoke(Node $command, stdClass $context): CodyResponse
$commandName = $command->name();
$commandFile = $commandName . '.php';
$commandPath = $context->path . '/Command/' . $commandFile;
$code = <<<CODE
namespace Cody\Tutorial\Command;
class $commandName
$this->writeFile($code, $commandPath);
return Response::fromCody(
"Command \"{$commandName}\" generated",
["Command written to {$commandPath}"]
To activate the hook, we need to register it in codyconfig.php
* @see https://github.com/event-engine/php-inspectio-cody for the canonical source repository
* @copyright https://github.com/event-engine/php-inspectio-cody/blob/master/COPYRIGHT.md
* @license https://github.com/event-engine/php-inspectio-cody/blob/master/LICENSE.md MIT License
use EventEngine\InspectioCody\CodyConfig;
use EventEngine\InspectioCody\Hook\CommandHook;
$context = new stdClass(); // replace it with your own context class
$context->path = '/exercises/src';
return new CodyConfig(
// CodyConfig::HOOK_ON_AGGREGATE => new AggregateHook(),
CodyConfig::HOOK_ON_COMMAND => new CommandHook(),
// CodyConfig::HOOK_ON_EVENT => new EventHook(),
// CodyConfig::HOOK_ON_POLICY => new PolicyHook(),
// CodyConfig::HOOK_ON_DOCUMENT => new DocumentHook(),
Cody is now able to turn information from command stickies (on an InspectIO event map) into PHP classes. Switch to the Cody Tutorial board in InspectIO and add a command sticky (blue one) with label AddBuilding
. Right click on the newly created sticky and choose Trigger Cody from context menu. In the Cody Console you can check the response. Cody should tell you: Command "AddBuilding" generated
Awesome, it works! Rerun docker-compose run --rm composer exercise1
in cody-tutorial/exercises
. It should turn green now. The test verifies that a Cody\Tutorial\Command\AddBuilding
has been generated by Cody and put into cody-tutorial/exercises/src/Command/AddBuilding.php
In exercise I we implemented our first Cody Hook and registered it in codyconfig.php
. The hook is called with information received from an InspectIO event map and with a user defined context object, which can be used to pass configuration options (like a source path) to each hook. We can trigger the hook from InspectIO by selecting an appropriate sticky on an event map and Trigger Cody from context menu.
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