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implement histogram plot & store/load k-mer distribution to file #21
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x-zang committed Feb 24, 2020
1 parent 68e7adb commit e47be69
Showing 1 changed file with 130 additions and 52 deletions.
182 changes: 130 additions & 52 deletions k_mer_dist/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,8 +5,11 @@
import os
import sys
import numpy as np
import pickle
from scipy.stats import wasserstein_distance
from scipy.spatial import distance
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt; plt.rcdefaults()
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# import KMC python API (compiled)
sys.path.insert(1, '/storage/home/xbz5174/work/tools/KMC-3.1.1/')
sys.path.insert(1, '/storage/home/xbz5174/work/tools/KMC-3.1.1/bin/')
Expand All @@ -25,15 +28,24 @@
def k_mer_sketch_histogram(n, k, genome, true_histogram=True, histogram_name=None, rev_comp=False):
# input: n - sketch size (# Hash function), k - k-mer size, genome - fasta(.gz)
# return np.array of distribution and histogram
MHS = MH.CountEstimator(n=n, ksize=k, save_kmers='y', input_file_name=genome, rev_comp=rev_comp)
# turn array of counts of k-mers into occurence of k-mers with the counts
counts = MHS._counts
dist = np.zeors(max(counts))
for _c in counts:
dist[_c] = dist[_c] + 1
dist_norm = dist / np.sum(dist)
KMC_outname = genome.split('/')[-1] + '.ksize' + str(k) + '.res'
outpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/kmc_global_count/'
# if the value not stored, compute it, else load it
if not os.path.isfile(outpath + KMC_outname + '.sketch' + str(n) + '.pickle'):
MHS = MH.CountEstimator(n=n, ksize=k, save_kmers='y', input_file_name=genome, rev_comp=rev_comp)
# turn array of counts of k-mers into occurence of k-mers with the counts
counts = MHS._counts
dist = np.zeros(max(counts))
for _c in counts:
dist[_c - 1] = dist[_c - 1] + 1
dist_norm = dist / np.sum(dist)
with open(outpath + KMC_outname + '.sketch' + str(n) + '.pickle', 'wb') as config_sketch_file:
pickle.dump([dist, dist_norm], config_sketch_file)
with open(outpath + KMC_outname + '.sketch' + str(n) + '.pickle', 'rb') as config_sketch_file:
dist, dist_norm = pickle.load(config_sketch_file)
if true_histogram:
histogram_draw(dist_norm, genome, histogram_name)
histogram_draw(dist_norm, genome, histogram_name, k, n)
return dist, dist_norm # np.array(list(dist))

Expand All @@ -47,77 +59,143 @@ def add_k_mer_dict(self, kmer, rev_comp=False):
MH.CountEstimator.add = add_k_mer_dict
MH.CountEstimator(n=1, ksize=k, save_kmers='y', input_file_name=genome, rev_comp=rev_comp)
from collections import Counter
dist = Counter(k_mer_dict.values())
return dist # np.array(list(dist))

def k_mer_global_histogram_KMC(k, genome, true_histogram=True, histogram_name=None, runKMC = False):
# TODO: not exactly sure but KMC seems doesn't accept sequences spanning more than 4 lines
# create KMC database
KMC_outname = genome.split('/')[-1] + '.res'
KMC_outname = genome.split('/')[-1] + '.ksize' + str(k) + '.res'
outpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/kmc_global_count/'
if runKMC:
# -ci2 - exclude k-mers occurring less than 2 times
if '.fastq' in genome or '.fq' in genome:
os.system('/storage/home/xbz5174/work/tools/KMC-3.1.1/bin/kmc -fq -ci2 -k%d %s %s %s'
%(k, genome, outpath + KMC_outname, outpath))
elif '.fasta' in genome or '.fa' in genome or '.fna' in genome:
os.system('/storage/home/xbz5174/work/tools/KMC-3.1.1/bin/kmc -fa -ci2 -k%d %s %s %s'
%(k, genome, outpath + KMC_outname, outpath))
print("Is file fa/fq? Check file and its name!", file=sys.stderr)
# read KMC database to get count values
kmer_data_base = kmc.KMCFile()
kmer_data_base.OpenForListing(outpath + KMC_outname)
kmer_object = kmc.KmerAPI(kmer_data_base.Info().kmer_length)
counter = kmc.Count()
counter_dict = {}
while kmer_data_base.ReadNextKmer(kmer_object, counter):
counter_dict[int(counter.value)] = counter_dict[int(counter.value)] + 1
except KeyError:
counter_dict[int(counter.value)] = 1
# get distribution
dist = np.zeors(max(counter_dict.values()))
for _k, _v in counter_dict.items():
dist[_k] = _v
dist_norm = dist / np.sum(dist)
# if the value not stored, compute it, else load it
if not os.path.isfile(outpath + KMC_outname + '.global.pickle'):
# check if KMC database exists
if runKMC or not os.path.isfile(outpath + KMC_outname + '.kmc_pre'):
# -ci2 - exclude k-mers occurring less than 2 times
if '.fastq' in genome or '.fq' in genome:
os.system('/storage/home/xbz5174/work/tools/KMC-3.1.1/bin/kmc -fq -ci2 -k%d %s %s %s'
% (k, genome, outpath + KMC_outname, outpath))
elif '.fasta' in genome or '.fa' in genome or '.fna' in genome:
os.system('/storage/home/xbz5174/work/tools/KMC-3.1.1/bin/kmc -fa -ci2 -k%d %s %s %s'
% (k, genome, outpath + KMC_outname, outpath))
print("Is file fa/fq? Check file and its name!", file=sys.stderr)
# read KMC database to get count values
kmer_data_base = kmc.KMCFile()
kmer_data_base.OpenForListing(outpath + KMC_outname)
kmer_object = kmc.KmerAPI(kmer_data_base.Info().kmer_length)
counter = kmc.Count()
counter_dict = {}
while kmer_data_base.ReadNextKmer(kmer_object, counter):
counter_dict[int(counter.value)] = counter_dict[int(counter.value)] + 1
except KeyError:
counter_dict[int(counter.value)] = 1
# get distribution
dist = np.zeros(max(counter_dict.values()))
for _k, _v in counter_dict.items():
dist[_k - 1] = _v
dist_norm = dist / np.sum(dist)
with open(outpath + KMC_outname + '.global.pickle', 'wb') as config_global_file:
pickle.dump([dist, dist_norm], config_global_file)
with open(outpath + KMC_outname + '.global.pickle', 'rb') as config_global_file:
dist, dist_norm = pickle.load(config_global_file)
if true_histogram:
histogram_draw(dist_norm, genome, histogram_name, k)
return dist, dist_norm

def histogram_draw(dist_norm, genome, histogram_name=None, k=0, n=0):
if histogram_name:
figure_name = histogram_name
species_name = genome.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
figure_name = species_name + '-k' + str(k) + '-n' + str(n)
y_pos = np.arange(len(dist_norm)), dist_norm, align='center', alpha=0.5)
plt.xticks(y_pos, y_pos)
plt.ylabel('# counts of k-mers occurring such times')
plt.xlabel('# k-mer occur')
plt.title('Dist k-mer %f ksize%d sketch%d' %(figure_name, k, n))
plt.savefig('Dist k-mer %f ksize%d sketch%d' %(figure_name, k, n))
return 0

def histogram_draw_two(dist_norm_1, dist_norm_2, genome, histogram_name=None, k=0, n=0):
# bar chart with 2 bars

def total_variation_Metric(histo1, histo2):
# histo1, histo2 are normalized distributions
return L1_metric(histo1, histo2)/2

def wasserstein_metric(histo1, histo2):
# histo1, histo2 are normalized distributions
# make two distribution have the same dim
if len(histo1) > len(histo2):
_padding = np.zeros(len(histo1)-len(histo2))
histo2 = np.concatenate((histo2, _padding))
elif len(histo1) < len(histo2):
_padding = np.zeros(len(histo2) - len(histo1))
histo1 = np.concatenate((histo1, _padding))
return wasserstein_distance(histo1, histo2)

def L1_metric (histo1, histo2):
# histo1, histo2 are normalized distributions
# make two distribution have the same dim
if len(histo1) > len(histo2):
_padding = np.zeros(len(histo1)-len(histo2))
histo2 = np.concatenate((histo2, _padding))
elif len(histo1) < len(histo2):
_padding = np.zeros(len(histo2) - len(histo1))
histo1 = np.concatenate((histo1, _padding))
return distance.cityblock(histo1, histo2)

if __name__ == "__main__":
n_list = [10000] # n = number of hash functions
k_list = [18] # k = k-mer size
file = "/storage/home/xbz5174/scratch/short_term_work_Feb/tests/Organisms/taxid_1307_414_genomic.fna.gz"
print('Current working dir:'); os.system('pwd')

# n = number of hash functions
n_list = [int(1e2), int(1e4), int(1e6), int(1e8)]
# k = k-mer size
k_list = [21, 60, 120]
# Use abs path to avoid confusion
genome_mid_1 = '/storage/home/xbz5174/scratch/short_term_work_Feb/data_real/SRR072232.fastq.gz'
genome_mid_2 = '/storage/home/xbz5174/scratch/short_term_work_Feb/data_real/SRR172902.fastq.gz'
genome = genome_mid_1

print('Current working dir:')
# get sketch k-mer distributions
for k in k_list:
# dist_global = k_mer_global_histogram(k=k, genome=file, histogram_make=True)
# print('k=%d k-mer global dist:' % k, dist_global)
KMC_outname = genome.split('/')[-1] + '.ksize' + str(k) + '.res'
outpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/kmc_global_count/'
# if the value not stored, compute it, else load it
if not os.path.isfile(outpath + KMC_outname + '.global.pickle'):
dist_global, dist_global_norm = k_mer_global_histogram_KMC(k, genome, true_histogram=True, runKMC=False)
with open(outpath + KMC_outname + '.global.pickle', 'wb') as config_global_file:
pickle.dump([dist_global, dist_global_norm], config_global_file)
with open(outpath + KMC_outname + '.global.pickle', 'rb') as config_global_file:
dist_global, dist_global_norm = pickle.load(config_global_file)
print('ksize:',k,' - global dist', dist_global_norm)
for n in n_list:
dist = k_mer_sketch_histogram(n=n, k=k, genome=file, histogram_make=True)
print('k=%d n=%d k-mer dist:' %(k, n), dist)
# get global sketch k-mer distributions
# Must not get global dist before sketch dist as global MH funcitons are overide
for k in k_list:
dist_global = k_mer_global_histogram(k=k, genome=file, histogram_make=True)
print('k=%d k-mer global dist:' %k, dist_global)
dist_global = k_mer_global_histogram_KMC(k=k, genome=file, histogram_make=True, runKMC=True)
print('k=%d k-mer global dist:' % k, dist_global)
# if the value not stored, compute it, else load it
if not os.path.isfile(outpath + KMC_outname + '.sketch' + str(n) +'.pickle'):
dist_sketch, dist_sketch_norm = k_mer_sketch_histogram(n, k, genome, true_histogram=True, rev_comp=False)
with open(outpath + KMC_outname + '.sketch' + str(n) +'.pickle', 'wb') as config_sketch_file:
pickle.dump([dist_sketch, dist_sketch_norm], config_sketch_file)
with open(outpath + KMC_outname + '.sketch' + str(n) +'.pickle', 'rb') as config_sketch_file:
dist_sketch, dist_sketch_norm = pickle.load(config_sketch_file)
print('ksize, n:', k, n, ' - sketch dist', dist_sketch_norm)
total_variation_Metric(dist_global_norm, dist_sketch_norm),
wasserstein_metric(dist_global_norm, dist_sketch_norm),
L1_metric(dist_global_norm, dist_sketch_norm)

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