button fix for the return to attorney assign task modal scenario 7 #4984
11 errors and 2 warnings
Artifact path is not valid: /screenshot_displays-with-<br>_2023-09-01-11-12-51.061.html. Contains the following character: Less than <
Invalid characters include: Double quote ", Colon :, Less than <, Greater than >, Vertical bar |, Asterisk *, Question mark ?, Carriage return \r, Line feed \n
The following characters are not allowed in files that are uploaded due to limitations with certain file systems such as NTFS. To maintain file system agnostic behavior, these characters are intentionally not allowed to prevent potential problems with downloads on different file systems.
Case details loads colocated task detail views on hold task displays task information
Failure/Error: expect(page).to have_content("TASK INSTRUCTIONS\n#{on_hold_task.instructions[0].squeeze(' ').strip}")
expected to find text "TASK INSTRUCTIONS\nemail was sent re Arneson letter/ the Veteran needing to be offered a third hearing." in "CaseflowQueue\nSearch cases\nCSS_ID520143 (VACO)\nJoshua ChamberlainVeteran ID: 790520075 \nView all cases\nDOCKET\nL\n150000790520039\nVETERAN DOCUMENTS\nView docs\nAPPEAL STREAM TYPE\nCurrently active tasks\nASSIGNED ON\n12/01/2019\nDAYS ON HOLD\n1338 of 60\nGray dot: Pending\nASSIGNED TO\nCSS_ID520143\nASSIGNED BY\nC. Afshari\nTASK\nArneson\nTASK INSTRUCTIONS\nNew Judge:\nCSS_ID520143\nDetails:\nemail was sent re Arneson letter/ the Veteran needing to be offered a third hearing.\nHide task instructions\nActions\nSelect an action…\nIssues\nAppellant's Power of Attorney\nAbout the Veteran\nCase Timeline\nIssues\nAppellant's Power of Attorney\nAttorney: Clarence Darrow\nAddress:\n9999 MISSION ST\nUBER\nAPT 2\nSAN FRANCISCO, CA 94103\nEmail Address: [email protected]\nPower of Attorney (POA) data comes from VBMS. To update the POA information stored in VBMS, please send a task to the VLJ support management branch.\nAbout the Veteran\nName: Joshua Chamberlain\nVeteran information comes from VBMS. To update the veteran's information, please send a request to the VLJ support staff.\nCase Timeline\nBelow is the history of this case.\nGray dot: Pending Dispatch from BVA pending\nGray dot: Pending Form 9 pending\nSend feedback"
Case details Show multiple tasks single task with single line break in instructions displays with <br>
Failure/Error: div = find("div.task-instructions")
Ambiguous match, found 2 elements matching visible css "div.task-instructions"
Case details Show multiple tasks single task with multiple line breaks separating text in instructions displays with <p> tags
Failure/Error: div = find("div.task-instructions")
Ambiguous match, found 2 elements matching visible css "div.task-instructions"
Case details Unscheduled hearing notes legacy appeal edits unscheduled successully
Failure/Error: fill_in "Notes", with: fill_in_notes
Unable to find field "Notes" that is not disabled within #<Capybara::Node::Element tag="div" path="/HTML/BODY[1]/DIV[1]/DIV[1]/DIV[2]/DIV[1]/MAIN[1]/DIV[1]/DIV[2]/SECTION[1]/DIV[4]/DIV[3]/DIV[1]">
Shared Example Group: "edit unscheduled notes" called from ./spec/feature/queue/case_details_spec.rb:2764
SpecialCaseMovementTask Case Movement Team Member With the Appeal in the right state successfully assigns the task to judge
Failure/Error: click_button("Submit")
Unable to find button "Submit" that is not disabled
SpecialCaseMovementTask Case Movement Team Member With the blocking tasks on the appeal successfully assigns the task to judge and cancels blocking tasks
Failure/Error: click_on "Continue"
Unable to find visible link or button "Continue"
QueueRepository.reassign_case_to_judge! when decass record is found should update decass record succesfully
def reassign_case_to_judge!(vacols_id:, assigned_by:, created_in_vacols_date:, judge_vacols_user_id:, decass_attrs:)
decass_record = find_decass_record(vacols_id, created_in_vacols_date)
# In attorney checkout, we are automatically selecting the judge who
# assigned the attorney the case. But we also have a drop down for the
# attorney to select a different judge if they are checking it out to someone else
if decass_record.deadusr != judge_vacols_user_id.vacols_uniq_id
BusinessMetrics.record(service: :queue, name: "reassign_case_to_different_judge")
update_decass_record(decass_record, decass_attrs)
missing keyword: :assigned_by
QueueRepository.reassign_case_to_judge! when vacols ID and date added are not valid should raise Caseflow::Error::QueueRepositoryError
Failure/Error: expect { subject }.to raise_error(Caseflow::Error::QueueRepositoryError)
expected Caseflow::Error::QueueRepositoryError, got #<ArgumentError: missing keyword: :assigned_by> with backtrace:
# ./app/repositories/queue_repository.rb:59:in `reassign_case_to_judge!'
# ./spec/repositories/queue_repository_spec.rb:138:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
# ./spec/repositories/queue_repository_spec.rb:188:in `block (5 levels) in <top (required)>'
# ./spec/repositories/queue_repository_spec.rb:188:in `block (4 levels) in <top (required)>'
QueueRepository.reassign_case_to_judge! when note with multi-byte characters causes it to be greater than 350 characters converts multi-byte characters to ASCII (VACOLS Oracle DB is in ASCII format)
def reassign_case_to_judge!(vacols_id:, assigned_by:, created_in_vacols_date:, judge_vacols_user_id:, decass_attrs:)
decass_record = find_decass_record(vacols_id, created_in_vacols_date)
# In attorney checkout, we are automatically selecting the judge who
# assigned the attorney the case. But we also have a drop down for the
# attorney to select a different judge if they are checking it out to someone else
if decass_record.deadusr != judge_vacols_user_id.vacols_uniq_id
BusinessMetrics.record(service: :queue, name: "reassign_case_to_different_judge")
update_decass_record(decass_record, decass_attrs)
missing keyword: :assigned_by
QueueRepository.reassign_case_to_judge! when comment with multi-byte characters causes it to be greater than 600 characters converts multi-byte characters to ASCII (VACOLS Oracle DB is in ASCII format)
def reassign_case_to_judge!(vacols_id:, assigned_by:, created_in_vacols_date:, judge_vacols_user_id:, decass_attrs:)
decass_record = find_decass_record(vacols_id, created_in_vacols_date)
# In attorney checkout, we are automatically selecting the judge who
# assigned the attorney the case. But we also have a drop down for the
# attorney to select a different judge if they are checking it out to someone else
if decass_record.deadusr != judge_vacols_user_id.vacols_uniq_id
BusinessMetrics.record(service: :queue, name: "reassign_case_to_different_judge")
update_decass_record(decass_record, decass_attrs)
missing keyword: :assigned_by
The logs for this run have expired and are no longer available.