button fix for the return to attorney assign task modal scenario 7 #4984
10 errors and 2 warnings
Reader Short list of documents Document information contains Claims information
Failure/Error: expect(page.all("td", text: appeal.issues[0].type).count).to eq(appeal.undecided_issues.length)
undefined method `type' for nil:NilClass
Reader Short list of documents Claim Folder Details
Failure/Error: expect(issue_list.count).to eq(issues_info.length)
expected: 0
got: 1
(compared using ==)
Attorney checkout flow given a valid ama appeal submits draft decision
Failure/Error: expect(page).to have_content "This field is required"
expected to find text "This field is required" in "CaseflowQueue\nSearch cases\nDEFAULT_USER (VACO)\nAdd decisions\nAdd decisions to each issue the Veteran is appealing. Any decisions you add must be connected to at least one issue on appeal. This helps Caseflow gather metrics on BVA decisions and meet AMA reporting requirements.\nYou must add a decision before you continue.\nBenefit type: Compensation\nIssue: Tinnitus\nDiagnostic code: 5000\nNote from NOD: Test note\n+ Add decision\nYou must add a decision before you continue.\nBenefit type: Compensation\nIssue: Tinnitus\nDiagnostic code: 5000\nNote from NOD: Test note\n+ Add decision\nAdd decision\nIssue\nTinnitus\nDescribe what the Veteran is appealing and what you decided.\nYou can also add additional decisions to better address the Veteran's concerns or situation.\nDisposition\nDisposition field is required\nSelect disposition\n\nDescription\nEx: Entitlement to a 10% rating for arthritis of the right knee is granted\nText box field is required\nDiagnostic code\n5000\nBenefit type\nCompensation\nDo you want to add this decision to other issues on appeal? This could occur when you determine that two or more issues should receive a single decision.\nEx: Service connection for restless leg syndrome (right) and Service connection for restless leg syndrome (left) should be Service connection for restless leg syndrome (bilateral).\nIssues\nSelect issues\nClose\nSave\nCancelBack\nContinue\nSend feedback"
Judge assignment to attorney and judge Acting judge can see team and other users load visits 'Assign' view
Failure/Error: expect(page).to have_content("Cases to Assign")
expected to find text "Cases to Assign" in "CaseflowError 500\nMenu\nSomething went wrong.\nIf you continue to see this page, please contact the Caseflow team via the VA Enterprise Service Desk at 855-673-4357 or by creating a ticket via YourIT.\nError code:\nSend feedback"
Judge assignment to attorney and judge Can move appeals between attorneys submits draft decision
Failure/Error: expect(page).to have_content("Cases to Assign (2)")
expected to find text "Cases to Assign (2)" in "CaseflowError 500\nMenu\nSomething went wrong.\nIf you continue to see this page, please contact the Caseflow team via the VA Enterprise Service Desk at 855-673-4357 or by creating a ticket via YourIT.\nError code:\nSend feedback"
Judge assignment to attorney and judge Cannot view assigned cases queue of attorneys in other teams attempt to view other team's attorney's cases allows visiting own case assign page
Failure/Error: expect(page).to have_content("Assign 0 Cases")
expected to find text "Assign 0 Cases" in "CaseflowError 500\nMenu\nSomething went wrong.\nIf you continue to see this page, please contact the Caseflow team via the VA Enterprise Service Desk at 855-673-4357 or by creating a ticket via YourIT.\nError code:\nSend feedback"
Judge assignment to attorney and judge Cannot view assigned cases queue of attorneys in other teams attempt to view other team's attorney's cases succeeds after user is added to SpecialCaseMovementTeam
Failure/Error: expect(page).to have_content("#{attorney_one.full_name}'s Cases")
expected to find text "Moe Syzlak's Cases" in "CaseflowError 500\nMenu\nSomething went wrong.\nIf you continue to see this page, please contact the Caseflow team via the VA Enterprise Service Desk at 855-673-4357 or by creating a ticket via YourIT.\nError code:\nSend feedback"
Judge assignment to attorney and judge Can view their queue there's another in-progress JudgeAssignTask viewing the assign task queue
Failure/Error: expect(page).to have_content("Assign 3 Cases")
expected to find text "Assign 3 Cases" in "CaseflowError 500\nMenu\nSomething went wrong.\nIf you continue to see this page, please contact the Caseflow team via the VA Enterprise Service Desk at 855-673-4357 or by creating a ticket via YourIT.\nError code:\nSend feedback"
Judge assignment to attorney and judge Can view their queue there's an in-progress JudgeDecisionReviewTask navigating between review and assign task queues
Failure/Error: expect(page).to have_content("Assign 2 Cases")
expected to find text "Assign 2 Cases" in "CaseflowError 500\nMenu\nSomething went wrong.\nIf you continue to see this page, please contact the Caseflow team via the VA Enterprise Service Desk at 855-673-4357 or by creating a ticket via YourIT.\nError code:\nSend feedback"
Judge assignment to attorney and judge Encounters an error assigning a case when assigning from their assign queue
Failure/Error: expect(page).to have_content("#{attorney_one.full_name} (0)")
expected to find text "Moe Syzlak (0)" in "CaseflowError 500\nMenu\nSomething went wrong.\nIf you continue to see this page, please contact the Caseflow team via the VA Enterprise Service Desk at 855-673-4357 or by creating a ticket via YourIT.\nError code:\nSend feedback"
The logs for this run have expired and are no longer available.