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Blank edited this page Jan 2, 2019 · 3 revisions


In the base game there are a few types of rewards you can receive they are, "Card", "Gold/Stolen Gold", "Relic", "Potion", "Emerald/Sapphire Key." Custom rewards aims to allow you to give the player something other than the listed rewards. The example will be a reward that lets you give the player hp.


Register a CustomReward

BaseMod.registerCustomReward(RewardType type, LoadCustomReward onLoad, SaveCustomReward onSave) - call this in receivePostInitialize to make sure that your reward type is loaded properly.

  • type - This should be an enum of type RewardType, this should be unique to your reward and using a base game type may result in unintended side effects.
  • onLoad - A lambda that returns a newly constructed instance of your CustomReward
  • onSave - A lambda that returns a newly constructed instance of a RewardSave that saves the data for your reward;


To create this reward we will need to first create a class to patch the enum for RewardItem.RewardType to include our new RewardType.

import com.evacipated.cardcrawl.modthespire.lib.SpireEnum;
import com.megacrit.cardcrawl.rewards.RewardItem;

public class HpRewardTypePatch {
    public static RewardItem.RewardType MYMOD_HPREWARD;

Then after we have created our new RewardType we will create our actual reward class that extends CustomReward.

import basemod.abstracts.CustomReward;
import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx;
import com.megacrit.cardcrawl.dungeons.AbstractDungeon;

public class HpReward extends CustomReward {
    private static final Texture ICON = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("[pathtotexturefile]"));
    public int amount;

    public HpReward(int amount) {
        super(ICON, "Heal " + amount + " hp.", HpRewardTypePatch.MYMOD_HPREWARD);
        this.amount = amount;

    public boolean claimReward() {
        return true;

All there is left to do is to register this new reward with BaseMod.registerCustomReward in your initializer class.

    public void receivePostInitialize() {
            (rewardSave) -> { // this handles what to do when this quest type is loaded.
                return new HpReward(rewardSave.amount);
            (customReward) -> { // this handles what to do when this quest type is saved.
                return new RewardSave(customReward.type.toString(), null, ((HpReward)customReward).amount, 0);