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Kiooeht edited this page Jan 28, 2019 · 2 revisions

Adding a Monster

You don't actually add "monsters" you add "encounters". Adding an encounter is a two step process, first you must register the monster, then add the encounter to a dungeon.

This API should be called in receivePostInitialize.

Register a Monster

addMonster(String encounterID, BaseMod.GetMonster monster)

addMonster(String encounterID, String name, BaseMod.GetMonster monster)

addMonster(String encounterID, BaseMod.GetMonsterGroup group)

addMonster(String encounterID, String name, BaseMod.GetMonsterGroup group)

  • encounterID: ID for this set of monster(s).
  • name (optional): The name the monster(s) should be known as in the Run History screen. If not given, BaseMod automatically makes a name for you.
  • monster: A lambda that returns a newly constructed instance of your monster.
  • group: A lambda that returns a newly constructed instance of MonsterGroup, containing your monster(s).

Add Encounter to Dungeon

addMonsterEncounter(String dungeonID, MonsterInfo encounter)

addStrongMonsterEncounter(String dungeonID, MonsterInfo encounter)

addEliteEncounter(String dungeonID, MonsterInfo encounter)

  • dungeonID: The ID of the dungeon whose pool you want to add the encounter to. (e.g. Exordium.ID, TheCity.ID, TheBeyond.ID).
  • encounter: A MonsterInfo containing the encounterID you registered and the probability of the encounter appearing.


public void receivePostInitialize()
    // Add a single monster encounter
    BaseMod.addMonster(MyMonster.ID, () -> new MyMonster());
    // Add a multi-monster encounter
    BaseMod.addMonster("MyMonsters", () -> new MonsterGroup(new AbstractMonster[] {
            new MyMonster(),
            new MyMonster2()

    BaseMod.addMonsterEncounter(TheCity.ID, new MonsterInfo(MyMonster.ID, 5));
    BaseMod.addStrongMonsterEncounter(TheBeyond.ID, new MonsterInfo("MyMonsters", 10));

Adding a Boss

Adding a new boss requires registering it the same way as you register monsters (see "Register a Monster" above).

After registering the boss, add it to a dungeon with:

addBoss(String dungeon, String bossID, String mapIcon, String mapIconOutline)

  • dungeon: The ID of the dungeon whose pool you want to add the encounter to. (e.g. Exordium.ID, TheCity.ID, TheBeyond.ID).
  • bossID: The ID used to register the boss with addMonster.
  • mapIcon: The path to an image to be used as the boss's icon on the map.
  • mapIconOutline: The path to an image to be used as the boss icon outline on the map.


public void receivePostInitialize()
    BaseMod.addMonster(MyBoss.ID, () -> new MyBoss());

    BaseMod.addBoss(Exordium.ID, MyBoss.ID,