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Project eStream (configuration)_eac3

Karel Kubicek edited this page Feb 13, 2017 · 1 revision

Configuration settings for eStream project in EACirc:

      determines how to use eStream
      101: distinguisher mode - tries to evaluate distinguisher between 2 streams of data
      102: key predictor mode - not working at the moment
      103: bits to change mode - not working at the moment
      0: ciphers are initialized with IV and key just once, at the beginning of computation
      1: ciphers are reinitialized with new IV and key for every test set
      2: ciphers are reinitialized with new IV and key for every test vector
      Note: State saving and loading not supported when CIPHER_INIT_FREQ = 0 due to inability to extract internal cipher state.
      algorithm to use (see table of ciphers)
      99: random input
      2nd algorithm to use (if 2 are needed; see table of ciphers)
      99: random input
      1: test vectors are balanced (50% algorithm_1, 50% algorithm_2)
      0: test vectors may not be balanced (ratio of test vector sources determined randomly, changes every test set)
      1: algorithms will run only a limited number of rounds
      0: algorithms will run unrestrained, i.e. as originally designed
    • ROUNDS_ALG_1
      number of rounds for the 1. algorithm (if limited)
    • ROUNDS_ALG_2
      number of rounds for the 2. algorithm (if limited)
      plaintext content for ciphers
      0: stream of zeroes
      1: stream of ones
      2: stream of random data
      3: stream of biased random data
      4: counter incremented by one for each vector
      5: five bits flipped for each vector - input is vector of one's, with 5 bits flipped to zero on random positions
      6: first half is random, second is identical to the first but for one bitflip
    • KEY_TYPE
      key content for ciphers (see plaintext types 0-3)
    • IV_TYPE
      initialization vector content for ciphers (see plaintext types 0-3)
      0: normal mode
      1: datastream generation mode - generate stream of ciphertexts according to settings (used for statistical testig, e.g. Dieharder) Data will be saved to file.
      Note: This mode breaks the consistency of generators and therefore prevents the evolution from starting after finishing stream generation.
      0: generate unlimited stream (is sent to cout instead of file)
      n: minimal size of generated stream (in bytes, saved to file)
      Note: This directive is considered only if GENERATE_STREAM=1.
      1: QRNG - quantum based generator
      2: BIAS - generate biased data
      3: MD5 - generator uses MD5
      4: LUT - generator based on our own LUT cipher
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