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Project CAESAR (configuration)_eac3

Karel Kubicek edited this page Feb 13, 2017 · 1 revision

Configuration settings for CAESAR project in EACirc:

      determines how to use CAESAR project
      301: distinguisher mode - tries to evaluate distinguisher between 2 streams of data
      algorithm to use (see table of CAESAR candidates)
      1: algorithms will run only a limited number of rounds
      0: algorithms will run unrestrained, i.e. as originally designed
      number of rounds for the chosen algorithm (if limited)
      number of bytes used as plaintext
      number of bytes used as associated data
      structure of the plaintext used
      0: zeroes - binary zeroes
      1: random once - random at cipher initialization, reused for other test vectors
      2: counter - zero-initialized counter incremented by 1
      3: random - random stream
    • KEY_TYPE
      structure of the key used -- same options as PLAINTEXT_TYPE
    • AD_TYPE
      structure of the associated data used -- same options as PLAINTEXT_TYPE
    • SMN_TYPE
      structure of the secret message number used -- same options as PLAINTEXT_TYPE
    • PMN_TYPE
      structure of the public message number used -- same options as PLAINTEXT_TYPE
      0: normal mode
      1: data stream generation mode - generate stream of data according to settings (used for statistical testing, e.g. Dieharder) Data will be saved to file.
      Note: This mode breaks the consistency of generators and therefore prevents the evolution from starting after finishing stream generation.
      0: generate unlimited stream (is sent to cout instead of file)
      n: minimal size of generated stream (in bytes, saved to file)
      Note: This directive is considered only if GENERATE_STREAM=1.
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