- yaoundé,cameroon
Sample project for spring advanced training
Created with StackBlitz ⚡️
Testcontainers module for running Cypress tests
Testcontainers implementation for Ceph, a distributed object, block, and file storage platform
🦭 Run and operate MariaDB in a cloud native way
Use python modules in gradle build
🎨 Diagram as Code for prototyping cloud system architectures
Ansible role for installing a AdoptOpenJDK Java VM in Debian or CentOS
Ansible role to deploy spring-boot applications
A parser compiler for Java, JavaScript, Python, Ruby
A lightweight and easy to use full text search implementation for Java. Uses inverted index and cosine similarity w/ TFIDF ranking.
🛵 The stylish Node.js middleware engine for AWS Lambda 🛵
Python module that makes working with XML feel like you are working with JSON
Docker-Compose MongoDB Multiple Databases
JWT support for Scala. Bonus extensions for Play, Play JSON, Json4s, Circe, uPickle, Spray and Argonaut
Lithium - A split-brain resolver for Akka-Cluster
Quorum split brain resolver for static akka cluster
Example of 2 Cloudstate services in java forwarding to each other
Distributed State Management for Serverless
Examples and explanations of how Akka toolkit works
Exercises and solutions for my book The Joy of Kotlin
Nice test coverage icon for your pull requests just from Jenkins
🦄 The Enterprise™ programming language
Assembler is a reactive data aggregation framework for querying and merging data from multiple data sources/services. Assembler enables efficient implementation of the API Composition Pattern and i…