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corey edited this page Oct 9, 2024 · 10 revisions


  1. Exit the Seer
  2. After opening user.ini, find the field that needs to be modified, modify the data after the equal sign and save the file
    • Restore certain data: delete the row, and the default value will be written in the next startup
    • Restore entire file: just delete user.ini directly, and the program will generate a new file at the next startup
  3. It will take effect after re-opening Seer



  • tray_icon_style system tray icon. default/dark/light/blue
  • use_trigger_key_close Whether to hide the window with the space bar when the main preview window has focus. true/false
  • temp_file_expire_days When the current time minus the creation time of the temporary file is greater than this value, the temporary file will be deleted
  • load_cloud_files Whether to load online files. true/false
  • enable_esc_key The ESC key will hide the main preview window when it is visible, regardless of whether the window is currently focused. true/false


  • decoders video decoding method. "MFT:d3d=11", D3D11, DXVA, CUDA, FFmpeg, dav1d
  • audio_extra_support additional audio file extension support
  • video_extra_support additional video file extension support
  • log whether to generate decoding log files. true/false
  • show_mute_button whether to display the mute button in the control bar. true/false
  • show_time_indication whether to display the time indicator in the control bar. true/false
  • audio_remember_playback_pos whether to remember audio playback records. true/false
  • video_remember_playback_pos whether to remember video playback records. true/false


  • fit_width_at_first whether to fit the page width by default. true/false
  • show_outline_button whether to display the outline button in the control bar. true/false


  • extra_support additional text file extension support
  • view_threshold File size threshold, file size smaller than this value will have functions such as syntax highlighting and line breaks, and texts larger than this value will be displayed in plain text to ensure fluency and stability. 3145728
  • line_threshold the maximum number of words in a single line, when the number of words in a single line is too large, the interface will be obviously stuck. 10000
  • minimap_scale minimap content scaling factor, range is [0.5, 2.0], default is 1.0


  • raw_extra_support additional raw image file extension support
  • max_read_size file size threshold, when the file size is larger than this value, the program will only load the preview size (currently displayable width and height), and will not load the full image size. 52428800
  • use_internal_exif_reader if you have the script exiftool installed, use this key to turn off internal meta information loader to keep your property panel clean. true/false


  • markdown_use_heti used to render markdown, heti is used by default when no custom css is specified. true/false