Perspect is a performance quantification platform that calculates a developer’s soft & hard skills. Unlike LinkedIn, our product tracks skills in real-time from a holistic set of data sources. A source that we want to include is meetings. Right now this is an untapped source of data that we can use to better inform assessments of skills. We have a meeting bot that can join meetings and provide transcripts for meetings. We have some real and some dummy data for meeting transcripts that are to be used for the purpose of this hackathon.
- Identify a skill or insight that would be of value to engineers (what would be valuable for you?). Once identified, scope out and build a solution that takes in meeting transcript data and returns a score or summary of that skill or insight.
- Bonus points for creativity on the skill or insight, but feel free to use our example ideas:
- Conversational score (what % of time are they listening vs talking, etc.)
- Presentation score (how concisely expressed are their ideas, could use GPT-4 to summarize ideas of spoken word and compare with what they actually said, etc.)
- Be able to demo your solution at the end of the hackathon.
- Data for meeting transcripts are in a public s3 bucket meeting-transcripts.
- Teams are recommended but not required. No teams bigger than 3 people allowed.
- Submissions will be required to be pushed to Perspect’s public github repo to be considered.
- Fork this repo and push your work via PR
- All code will be pushed to a public repo in Perspect’s github org, which uses the GPL-3.0 license.
- $2,500 total prizes (1st place: $1500, 2nd place: $750, 3rd place: $250)
- Perspect will be sponsoring additional hackathon/bounty work. Those in attendance showing valuable work will be invited to participate in future work.