The name of the person who spoke the statement.
The number of times this person was mentioned other people's statements. (Limit one per statement)
Was this person involved in the conversation early on? (Did they speak in the first 10 statements? This is a tuneable parameter)
What percentage of the total time spoken was this person speaking? (Time person spent speaking / Total talking time of meeting)
How fast does this person talk? (Average words per second)
A zero shot encoding model was used to determine the politeness of a statement. (Score from 0 to 1, 1 being the most polite)
What was the average influence score of this person's statements? (Score from 0 to 1, 1 being the most influential) This was calculated by embedding statements and then comparing similarity to previous statements and future statements. A Context Window fo 3 statements before and after was used. Cosine similarity was used to compare embeddings. Score is ((1-previous_similarity) + (future_similarity)) / 2
What was the average off topicedness of this person's statements? (Score from 0 to 1, 1 being the most off topic) This was calculated by embedding statements and then comparing similarity to previous statements and future statements. A Context Window fo 3 statements before and after was used. Cosine similarity was used to compare embeddings. Score is ((1-previous_similarity) + (1-future_similarity)) / 2
How curious was the average statement of this person? (Score from 0 to 1, 1 being the most curious) This was calculated by using a zero shot encoding model to determine the curiosity of a statement.
How many statements did the person make that were above a certain influence threshold? (Tuneable parameter)
How many statements did the person make that were above a certain off topic threshold? (Tuneable parameter)
How many statements did the person make that were above a certain curiosity threshold? (Tuneable parameter)
How many words did the person speak?
What was the average time of the person's statements?
What was the total time of the person's statements?
How many statements did the person make?