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Phil Beauvoir edited this page Oct 9, 2024 · 7 revisions

Some script snippets assume that you run them on Archisurance.archimate. In this documentation, "object" is used for any type of information (ArchiMate concept or view, but also Canvas, Folders...).

Table of contents

Traversing Navigation Filtering Attributes &
Model Utils
.find() .rels() .filter() .attr() .each()
.children() .inRels() .not() .prop() .clone()
.parent() .outRels() .has() .removeProp() .first()
.parents() .ends() .add() .get()
.viewRefs() .sourceEnds() .size()
.objectRefs() .targetEnds() .is()

jArchi Collection


$(), jArchi()

This is the main selector method for jArchi. It returns an actionable collection of objects.

$(selector) // => collection
$(collection) // => self

Note that you can easily wrap an object into a collection, which makes it possible to use collection-only methods on single objects.

$(object) // => collection containing passed object

Name Selector (".name")

Select all objects with the given name.

$(".Phone") // => collection containing all objects having the name 'Phone'

Object Selector ("type")

Select all objects with the given type (see table below).

$("business-object") // => collection containing all Business Objects
Strategy Business Application Technology Physical
resource business-actor application-component node equipment
capability business-role application-collaboration device facility
course-of-action business-collaboration application-interface system-software distribution-network
value-stream business-interface application-function technology-collaboration material
business-process application-process technology-interface
business-function application-interaction path
business-interaction application-event communication-network
business-event application-service technology-function
business-service data-object technology-process
business-object technology-interaction
contract technology-event
representation technology-service
product artifact
Motivation Implementation
& Migration
Other Relationships Other Visual Objects Views
stakeholder work-package location composition-relationship diagram-model-note archimate-diagram-model
driver deliverable grouping aggregation-relationship diagram-model-group sketch-model
assessment implementation-even junction assignment-relationship diagram-model-connection canvas-model
goal plateau realization-relationship diagram-model-image
outcome gap serving-relationship diagram-model-reference
principle access-relationship sketch-model-sticky
requirement influence-relationship sketch-model-actor
constraint triggering-relationship canvas-model-block
meaning flow-relationship canvas-model-sticky
value specialization-relationship canvas-model-image

ID Selector ("#id")

Select a single element with the given id.

$("#477") // => in Archisurance.archimate, 'Maintaining Customer Relations' Business Function

All Selector ("*")

Select all objects.

$("*") // => in Archisurance.archimate, collection containing 313 objects

Concepts Selector ("concept")

Select all ArchiMate concepts.

$("concept") // => collection

Elements Selector ("element")

Select all ArchiMate elements.

$("element") // => collection

Relationships Selector ("relationship")

Select all ArchiMate relationships.

$("relationship") // => collection

Views Selector ("view")

Select all views (ArchiMate, Sketch, Canvas).

$("view") // => collection

Folders Selector ("folder")

Select all folders.

$("folder") // => collection


These methods are available once you create a collection with $(selector) or jArchi(selector).


These methods will 'traverse' the model structure which is made of folders and views. All of them return a new collection and don't mutate the original one.


Get the descendants of each object in the set of matched objects, optionally filtered by a selector.

collection.find() // => collection of all descendants
collection.find(selector) // => collection of descendants that match the selector


Get the children of each object in the set of matched objects, optionally filtered by a selector.

collection.children() // => collection of all children
collection.children(selector) // => collection of children that match the selector


Get the parent of each object in the set of matched objects, optionally filtered by a selector.

collection.parent() // => collection of parents
collection.parent(selector) // => collection of parents that match the selector


Get the ancestors of each object in the set of matched objects, optionally filtered by a selector.

collection.parents() // => collection of ancestors
collection.parents(selector) // => collection of ancestors that match the selector


Get the views in which each object in collection is referenced, optionally filtered by a selector.

collection.viewRefs() // => collection of views
collection.viewRefs(selector) // => collection of views that match the selector


Get the visual objects that reference each object in collection, optionally filtered by a selector.

collection.objectRefs() // => collection of (visual) objects
collection.objectRefs(selector) // => collection of (visual) objects that match the selector


These methods will 'navigate' the model through relationships. All of them return a new collection and don't mutate the original one.


Get the relationships that start or end at each concept in the set of matched objects, optionally filtered by a selector.

collection.rels() // => collection of relationships
collection.rels(selector) // => collection of relationships that match the selector


Get the (incoming) relationships that end at each concept in the set of matched objects, optionally filtered by a selector.

collection.inRels() // => collection of relationships
collection.inRels(selector) // => collection of relationships that match the selector


Get the (outgoing) relationships that start at each concept in the set of matched objects, optionally filtered by a selector.

collection.outRels() // => collection of relationships
collection.outRels(selector) // => collection of relationships that match the selector


Get the concepts that are the targets or the sources of each relationship in the set of matched objects, optionally filtered by a selector.

collection.ends() // => collection of concepts
collection.ends(selector) // => collection of concepts that match the selector


Get the concepts that are the sources of each relationship in the set of matched objects, optionally filtered by a selector.

collection.sourceEnds() // => collection of concepts
collection.sourceEnds(selector) // => collection of concepts that match the selector


Get the concepts that are the targets of each relationship in the set of matched objects, optionally filtered by a selector.

collection.targetEnds() // => collection of concepts
collection.targetEnds(selector) // => collection of concepts that match the selector


These methods allow to add to, or remove objects from the collection (which is mutated).


Reduce the set of matched elements to those that match the selector or pass the function's test.

collection.filter(selector) // => collection of objects that match the selector
collection.filter(function(object) {return someBoolean}) // collection of objects that pass the test


Remove elements from the set of matched elements. Objects to remove can come from another collection of be determined through a selector.

collection.not(selector) // => collection of concepts that don't match the selector
collection.not(otherCollection) // => collection of concepts that are not in the passed collection


Reduce the set of matched elements to those that have a descendant that matches the selector.

collection.has(selector) // => collection of concepts


Create a new jArchi Collection with objects added to the set of matched objects. Added objects can come from another collection of be determined through a selector.

collection.add(selector) //=> collection
collection.add(otherCollection) // => collection

Attributes & Properties


Get the value of an attribute for the first object in the set of matched object or set one or more attributes for every matched object.

collection.attr(attrName) // => AttributeValue
collection.attr(attrName, attrValue) // => updated collection


If no arguments are provided, return the list of properties' key for the first object in the collection. Return a property value of the first object in the collection when just property is supplied. If multiple properties exist with the same key, then return only the first one (duplicate=false, which is the default) or an array with all values (duplicate=true) Sets a property for every objects when property and value are supplied. Property is updated if it already exists (duplicate=false, which is the default) or added anyway (duplicate=true).

collection.prop() //=> properties' key for the first object
collection.prop(propName) // => property value (first one if multiple entries)
collection.prop(propName, false) // => property value (first one if multiple entries)
collection.prop(propName, true) // => property value (array if multiple entries)
collection.prop(propName, propValue) // => updated collection with property added (if it did not exist) or updated (if it existed)
collection.prop(propName, propValue, false) // => updated collection with property added (if it not existed) or updated (if it existed)
collection.prop(propName, propValue, true) // => updated collection with property added (even if it existed)


Removes property from collection objects.

collection.removeProp(propName) // => all instances of propName are removed
collection.removeProp(propName, propValue) // => properties are removed if value matches propValue




Iterate over a collection, executing a function for each object. The function to execute will receive the current object as first argument.

collection.each(function(obj) {console.log(}) // => print ids of all objects


Create a copy of the set of matched objects. Objects themselves are not copied, only the collection is.

collection.clone() // => a copy of the collection


Reduce the set of matched objects to the first in the set.

collection.first() // => first object


Retrieve one of the objects matched by the collection.

collection.get(n) // => return object at index 'n' from the collection


Return the number of objects in the collection.

$('business-object').size() // => Return the number of Business Object in the current model


Check the current matched set of object against a selector and return true if at least one of these objects matches the given arguments.

$(selection).is('business-object') // => Return true is there is at least one Business Object in the selection, false otherwise
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