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Accessing Archi's Preferences

Phil Beauvoir edited this page Jan 15, 2024 · 12 revisions


This page shows how to access Archi's internal Preference Store in order to query and set various preferences.


This is not an official API and some constants may change.
Setting preferences to unsupported values may result in unknown behaviour.

For a list of preference constants please refer to the IPreferenceConstants class.

Accessing the Archi Preference Store

To access the Archi Preference Store use the following jArchi code:

const archiPrefs = Java.type('com.archimatetool.editor.ArchiPlugin').PREFERENCES;

jArchi examples

Getting and setting the default ArchiMate figure color for a concept

// Get Archi's Preference Store
const archiPrefs = Java.type('com.archimatetool.editor.ArchiPlugin').PREFERENCES;

// Get current ArchiMate figure fill color for a Business Actor
console.log('Current Fill Color for Business Actor: ' + archiPrefs.getString('defaultFillColour_BusinessActor'));

// Set it
archiPrefs.setValue('defaultFillColour_BusinessActor', '#ff0000');

// Set back to default value

Getting and setting the default ArchiMate figure width and height

// Get Archi's Preference Store
const archiPrefs = Java.type('com.archimatetool.editor.ArchiPlugin').PREFERENCES;

// Get default ArchiMate figure width and height
console.log('Default Width: ' + archiPrefs.getDefaultInt('defaultArchiMateFigureWidth'));
console.log('Default Height: ' + archiPrefs.getDefaultInt('defaultArchiMateFigureHeight'));

// Get current ArchiMate figure width and height
console.log('Current Width: ' + archiPrefs.getInt('defaultArchiMateFigureWidth'));
console.log('Current Height: ' + archiPrefs.getInt('defaultArchiMateFigureHeight'));

// Set ArchiMate figure width and height
archiPrefs.setValue('defaultArchiMateFigureWidth', 140);
archiPrefs.setValue('defaultArchiMateFigureHeight', 60);

// Set back to default values

Getting and setting the default grid size

// Get Archi's Preference Store
const archiPrefs = Java.type('com.archimatetool.editor.ArchiPlugin').PREFERENCES;

// Get default value of gridSize
console.log('Default gridSize: ' + archiPrefs.getDefaultInt('gridSize'));

// Get current value of gridSize
console.log('Current gridSize: ' + archiPrefs.getInt('gridSize'));

// Set value of gridSize
archiPrefs.setValue('gridSize', 16);

// Set back to default value

Getting and setting the default font name, height, and style for diagram objects

// Get Archi's Preference Store
const archiPrefs = Java.type('com.archimatetool.editor.ArchiPlugin').PREFERENCES;

// Declare the Eclipse FontData class
// See
const FontDataClass = Java.type('');

// Get the default font string for diagram objects
var defaultViewFont = archiPrefs.getString('defaultViewFont');

// If we have it...
if(defaultViewFont) {
    // It's a long string so we need to load it into an Eclipse FontData object to get its parts
    var fontData = new FontDataClass(defaultViewFont);

    // Then we can get name, height, and style
    console.log('Font name: ' + fontData.getName());
    console.log('Font height: ' + fontData.getHeight());
    console.log('Font style: ' + fontData.getStyle());
// If it's the empty string then we can't parse it
else {
    console.log("Font is internal default");

// Create a new FontData of font name, height, and style
var newFontData = new FontDataClass('Arial', 12, 0);

// Get the FontData string
var fdString = newFontData.toString();

// Set it to the default font in preferences (if Archi is running you need to restart)
archiPrefs.setValue('defaultViewFont', fdString);

// Set back to default value