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Real estate transactions in Vienna


PROG [-h] [--read] [--no-read] [-f FILE] [-o OUTPUT] [-K KG] [-a ADDRESS] [-d] [-l] [--show-columns SHOW_COLUMNS [SHOW_COLUMNS ...]] [-p PLOT [PLOT ...]] [-r ROWS] [--corr-c CORR_C [CORR_C ...]] [--corr-m] [-s SORT_COLUMN | -D DESCRIBE_COLUMN]

Explore data on purchasing prices of real estate transactions in Vienna (source: land register), including regulations of the land use and town plan, on-site inspection etc.

Link to original data: CC BY 4.0 „Datenquelle: Stadt Wien –“

Known bugs/limitations:

  • Tested only on Linux, not on Windows.
  • If you want to save a plot you have to use -o "./" as command line argument for the plot to be saved to the current folder. If you specify another path, there will be an error. Saving a .csv file works fine.
  • probably hard to use if you don't speak German, see table at the bottom for a rough translation of the codes

Recomended usage:

To start the tool type in python (if you have python 3.XX AND python 2 on your system, you may have to type in python3 instead of just python)

In the first run, get the list of all KG codes with the options --no-read -l. It doesn't read in the pricing data and prints the list of all KG codes or saves it to a csv file if you specify the option -o "path/to/file/"

Now you can explore the dataset:

  • --KG 1805 -> filter the data for the KG with code 1805
  • -a "Mariahilfer" -> filter the data for a specific street (here: every address with Mariahilfer in it)
  • --show-columns "predefined" -> show only the predefined columns ('zuordnung', 'BJ', 'Gebäudehöhe', 'KG.Code', 'Erwerbsdatum', 'Strasse', "ON", 'Gst.Fl.', 'AbbruchkostEU', 'ber_Kaufpreis', 'Bauzins')
  • --show-columns "KG.Code" "Katastralgemeinde" "EZ" "PLZ" "Strasse" "ON" "Gst." "Gst.Fl." "ErwArt" "Erwerbsdatum" "Widmung" "Bauklasse" "Gebäudehöhe" "Bauweise" "Zusatz" "Schutzzone" "Wohnzone" "öZ" "Bausperre" "seit/bis" "zuordnung" "Geschoße" "parz." "VeräußererCode" "Erwerbercode" "Zähler" "Nenner" "BJ" "TZ" "Kaufpreis EUR""EUR/m2 Gfl." "AbbruchfixEU" "m3 Abbruch" "AbbruchkostEU" "FreimachfixEU""Freimachfläche" "FreimachkostEU" "Baureifgest" "% Widmung" "Baurecht" "Bis" "auf EZ" "Stammeinlage" "sonst_wid" "sonst_wid_prz" "ber_Kaufpreis" "Bauzins" -> will show all columns (which is the default, but so you can see which columns are available)
  • -p "ber_Kaufpreis": will plot the two columns "ber_Kaufpreis" and "Erwerbsdatum" (default for the x-axis is "Erwerbsdatum" but you can specify any other column)
  • --corr-c "Erwerbsdatum" "Bauzins": will show the correlation between the two columns "Erwerbsdatum" and "Bauzins"
  • --corr-m: will show the correlation matrix of the dataframe, can be messy if there are many columns, use with e.g. --show-columns "predefined"
  • -r 100: will show the dataframe with the first 100 rows, will print all of them to the screen!
  • -o "./": will save the output(s) to the current folder

Those two options are mutually exclusive:

  • -s "Bauzins": sort the data by column "Bauzins" (ascending)
  • -D "Bauzins": describe the column "Bauzins" (mean, std, min, max, etc.)


  • -h, --help: Show this help message and exit
  • --read: Read in the pricing data file
  • --no-read: Don't read in the pricing data file and ignore all options other than -l and -o
  • -f FILE, --file FILE: Path to CSV file
  • -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT: Path to output file folder, if you use this no data will be printed to the screen, but the data will be saved in the same folder as this script
  • -K KG, --KG KG: KG code, enter without the leading 0, (use -l to get a list of all KG codes) If you use -K and -a together the dataframe will be first filtered for the KG Code and then for the address
  • -a ADDRESS, --address ADDRESS: Enter (part of) an address to filter the dataframe for that address. If you use -K and -a together the dataframe will be first filterd for the KG Code and then for the address
  • -d, --desc: Sort descending
  • -l, --list: Prints a list of all KG codes to the screen or to a file if -o is used
  • --show-columns SHOW_COLUMNS [SHOW_COLUMNS ...]: Columns to be shown, use "all" for all columns, "predefined" for the predefined columns, or a list of columns like "Erwerbsdatum,BJ,KG.Code"
  • -p PLOT [PLOT ...], --plot PLOT [PLOT ...]: Plot scatter plot of two columns, y-column is by default "Erwerbsdatum"
  • -r ROWS, --rows ROWS: How many rows should be shown (= will be printed on your screen! or saved in the output file)
  • --corr-c CORR_C [CORR_C ...]: Correlation between two columns
  • --corr-m: Plot correlation matrix of all columns of the dataframe can be messy if there are many columns, use "predefined"
  • -s SORT_COLUMN, --sort-column SORT_COLUMN: Column to sort by (default: ascending, use -d for descending)
  • -D DESCRIBE_COLUMN, --describe-column DESCRIBE_COLUMN: Select which column to describe

English Translation of Codes

Abbreviation Full Name
KG.Code Katastralgemeindenummer (Cadastre Municipality Number)
Katastralgemeinde Katastralgemeindename (Cadastre Municipality Name)
EZ Einlagezahl (Deposit Number)
PLZ Postleitzahl (Postal Code)
ON Orientierungsnummer (Orientation Number)
Gst. Grundstücksnummer (Property Number)
Gst.Fl. Grundstücksfläche (Land Area)
ErwArt Erwerbsart (Acquisition Type: Purchase Agreement, Municipal Council Resolution, etc.)
Schutzzone Schutzzone (Protected Zone)
Wohnzone Wohnzone (Residential Zone)
ÖZ Örtliches Raumordnungsprogramm (Local Spatial Planning Program)
Bausperre Bausperre (Building Restriction)
parz. parzelliert (parceled), unparzelliert (not parceled)
VeräußererCode Veräußerercode (Seller Code) see below
Erwerbercode Erwerbercode (Buyer Code) see below
Anteile Anteile (Shares)
Zähler Zähler (Numerator)
Nenner Nenner (Denominator)
BJ Baujahr (Year of Construction)
TZ Tagebuchzahl (Journal Number)
€/m² Gfl. Kaufpreis pro m² Grundfläche in EUR (Purchase Price per Square Meter of Land Area in EUR)
Baureifgest Baureifgestaltung (Development-ready Land)
% Widmung Widmungsanteil (Zoning Share)
Baurecht Baurecht (Building Right)
Stammeinlage Stammeinlage (Capital Stock)
sonst_wid sonstige Widmung (Other Zoning)
sonst_wid_prz Anteil der sonstigen Widmung in % (Share of Other Zoning in %)

Buyer/Seller Code:

Code Full Name
1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 14 Gebietskörperschaften und juristische Personen mit öffentlichem Charakter (e.g., Municipalities, States, Federal Government, Vienna Utilities, Austrian Federal Railways, etc.)
3 gemeinnützige Bauvereinigungen (e.g., Housing Cooperatives)
8 juristische Personen des Privatrechtes (e.g., Limited Liability Companies, Partnerships, Corporations, etc.)
9 Privatperson (Private Individual)
13 Bescheid Adressaten (e.g., Monetary Payment/Compensation... based on a decision in the course of creating building sites according to building regulations)


explore data on real estate transactions in Vienna






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