PROG [-h] [--read] [--no-read] [-f FILE] [-o OUTPUT] [-K KG] [-a ADDRESS] [-d] [-l] [--show-columns SHOW_COLUMNS [SHOW_COLUMNS ...]] [-p PLOT [PLOT ...]] [-r ROWS] [--corr-c CORR_C [CORR_C ...]] [--corr-m] [-s SORT_COLUMN | -D DESCRIBE_COLUMN]
Explore data on purchasing prices of real estate transactions in Vienna (source: land register), including regulations of the land use and town plan, on-site inspection etc.
Link to original data: CC BY 4.0 „Datenquelle: Stadt Wien –“
- Tested only on Linux, not on Windows.
- If you want to save a plot you have to use
-o "./"
as command line argument for the plot to be saved to the current folder. If you specify another path, there will be an error. Saving a .csv file works fine. - probably hard to use if you don't speak German, see table at the bottom for a rough translation of the codes
To start the tool type in python
(if you have python 3.XX AND python 2 on your system, you may have to type in python3
instead of just python
In the first run, get the list of all KG codes with the options --no-read -l
. It doesn't read in the pricing data and prints the list of all KG codes or saves it to a csv file if you specify the option -o "path/to/file/"
Now you can explore the dataset:
--KG 1805
-> filter the data for the KG with code 1805-a "Mariahilfer"
-> filter the data for a specific street (here: every address with Mariahilfer in it)--show-columns "predefined"
-> show only the predefined columns ('zuordnung', 'BJ', 'Gebäudehöhe', 'KG.Code', 'Erwerbsdatum', 'Strasse', "ON", 'Gst.Fl.', 'AbbruchkostEU', 'ber_Kaufpreis', 'Bauzins')--show-columns "KG.Code" "Katastralgemeinde" "EZ" "PLZ" "Strasse" "ON" "Gst." "Gst.Fl." "ErwArt" "Erwerbsdatum" "Widmung" "Bauklasse" "Gebäudehöhe" "Bauweise" "Zusatz" "Schutzzone" "Wohnzone" "öZ" "Bausperre" "seit/bis" "zuordnung" "Geschoße" "parz." "VeräußererCode" "Erwerbercode" "Zähler" "Nenner" "BJ" "TZ" "Kaufpreis EUR""EUR/m2 Gfl." "AbbruchfixEU" "m3 Abbruch" "AbbruchkostEU" "FreimachfixEU""Freimachfläche" "FreimachkostEU" "Baureifgest" "% Widmung" "Baurecht" "Bis" "auf EZ" "Stammeinlage" "sonst_wid" "sonst_wid_prz" "ber_Kaufpreis" "Bauzins"
-> will show all columns (which is the default, but so you can see which columns are available)-p "ber_Kaufpreis"
: will plot the two columns "ber_Kaufpreis" and "Erwerbsdatum" (default for the x-axis is "Erwerbsdatum" but you can specify any other column)--corr-c "Erwerbsdatum" "Bauzins"
: will show the correlation between the two columns "Erwerbsdatum" and "Bauzins"--corr-m
: will show the correlation matrix of the dataframe, can be messy if there are many columns, use with e.g.--show-columns "predefined"
-r 100
: will show the dataframe with the first 100 rows, will print all of them to the screen!-o "./"
: will save the output(s) to the current folder
Those two options are mutually exclusive:
-s "Bauzins"
: sort the data by column "Bauzins" (ascending)-D "Bauzins"
: describe the column "Bauzins" (mean, std, min, max, etc.)
: Show this help message and exit--read
: Read in the pricing data file--no-read
: Don't read in the pricing data file and ignore all options other than-l
,--file FILE
: Path to CSV file-o OUTPUT
,--output OUTPUT
: Path to output file folder, if you use this no data will be printed to the screen, but the data will be saved in the same folder as this script-K KG
,--KG KG
: KG code, enter without the leading 0, (use -l to get a list of all KG codes) If you use -K and -a together the dataframe will be first filtered for the KG Code and then for the address-a ADDRESS
,--address ADDRESS
: Enter (part of) an address to filter the dataframe for that address. If you use -K and -a together the dataframe will be first filterd for the KG Code and then for the address-d
: Sort descending-l
: Prints a list of all KG codes to the screen or to a file if-o
is used--show-columns SHOW_COLUMNS [SHOW_COLUMNS ...]
: Columns to be shown, use"all"
for all columns, "predefined" for the predefined columns, or a list of columns like"Erwerbsdatum,BJ,KG.Code"
-p PLOT [PLOT ...]
,--plot PLOT [PLOT ...]
: Plot scatter plot of two columns, y-column is by default "Erwerbsdatum"-r ROWS
,--rows ROWS
: How many rows should be shown (= will be printed on your screen! or saved in the output file)--corr-c CORR_C [CORR_C ...]
: Correlation between two columns--corr-m
: Plot correlation matrix of all columns of the dataframe can be messy if there are many columns, use"predefined"
,--sort-column SORT_COLUMN
: Column to sort by (default: ascending, use-d
for descending)-D DESCRIBE_COLUMN
,--describe-column DESCRIBE_COLUMN
: Select which column to describe
Abbreviation | Full Name |
KG.Code | Katastralgemeindenummer (Cadastre Municipality Number) |
Katastralgemeinde | Katastralgemeindename (Cadastre Municipality Name) |
EZ | Einlagezahl (Deposit Number) |
PLZ | Postleitzahl (Postal Code) |
ON | Orientierungsnummer (Orientation Number) |
Gst. | Grundstücksnummer (Property Number) |
Gst.Fl. | Grundstücksfläche (Land Area) |
ErwArt | Erwerbsart (Acquisition Type: Purchase Agreement, Municipal Council Resolution, etc.) |
Schutzzone | Schutzzone (Protected Zone) |
Wohnzone | Wohnzone (Residential Zone) |
ÖZ | Örtliches Raumordnungsprogramm (Local Spatial Planning Program) |
Bausperre | Bausperre (Building Restriction) |
parz. | parzelliert (parceled), unparzelliert (not parceled) |
VeräußererCode | Veräußerercode (Seller Code) see below |
Erwerbercode | Erwerbercode (Buyer Code) see below |
Anteile | Anteile (Shares) |
Zähler | Zähler (Numerator) |
Nenner | Nenner (Denominator) |
BJ | Baujahr (Year of Construction) |
TZ | Tagebuchzahl (Journal Number) |
€/m² Gfl. | Kaufpreis pro m² Grundfläche in EUR (Purchase Price per Square Meter of Land Area in EUR) |
Baureifgest | Baureifgestaltung (Development-ready Land) |
% Widmung | Widmungsanteil (Zoning Share) |
Baurecht | Baurecht (Building Right) |
Stammeinlage | Stammeinlage (Capital Stock) |
sonst_wid | sonstige Widmung (Other Zoning) |
sonst_wid_prz | Anteil der sonstigen Widmung in % (Share of Other Zoning in %) |
Buyer/Seller Code:
Code | Full Name |
1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 14 | Gebietskörperschaften und juristische Personen mit öffentlichem Charakter (e.g., Municipalities, States, Federal Government, Vienna Utilities, Austrian Federal Railways, etc.) |
3 | gemeinnützige Bauvereinigungen (e.g., Housing Cooperatives) |
8 | juristische Personen des Privatrechtes (e.g., Limited Liability Companies, Partnerships, Corporations, etc.) |
9 | Privatperson (Private Individual) |
13 | Bescheid Adressaten (e.g., Monetary Payment/Compensation... based on a decision in the course of creating building sites according to building regulations) |